Malaysian Traitor Surrendered his only BirthRight

If you happen to take train during Sunday. You will ask yourself this question, is this still Sg?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
[+] 1 user Likes RiseofAsia's post

(13-10-2022, 12:41 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  They only blame us from becoming xenophobic but never blame themselves how come this issue happens.


PAP don't care about social cost and never took action to undo their mistake

We also don't care, lor

Not my problem anyway.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Only 1 BirthRight with 1 right to be Xenophobe in 1 country

My own country of Birth

But Jac Fart forgo his BirthRight in Malaysia

to be a Foreigner in SG 

Now, he has no more BirthRight



Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(13-10-2022, 12:30 PM)Oyk Wrote:  It does not matter if someone else wrote "our culture".

As far as the record goes, you also wrote it.  

Be a gentleman.  If you got it wrong, just admit it and there is no need to drag a young ger into this.

Who are you to say we dun have a culture? Because you are OYK  Laughing
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Jac has no more BirthRight

He can NEVER and will NOT have any right to be Xenophobic

even if he dies

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Jac Lau is like sour grape now

He himself gave up his own Birthright yet demand we also be like him

Such a bad dog who refuse to listen to PM Lee

who said- You cannot have it Both Ways

(12-02-2023, 02:54 PM)FartSunKing Wrote:  The problem with the oppie retard losers here

Like sgbuffett and ola

Is their "entitlement" mindset

They think PAP is their mama's tits

Always there for them to snuggle and suck


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(12-02-2023, 03:35 PM)Ola Wrote:  Jac Lau is like sour grape now

He himself gave up his own Birthright yet demand we also be like him

Such a bad dog who refuse to listen to PM Lee

who said- You cannot have it Both Ways
In Singapore there is no such thing as dual citizenship.................. Big Grin

JAC LAU hates his own country and betrayed his own country

and gave up his Birth Rights in his own country

Cannot be Xenophobe now in Singapore

Because it is not his Birth Land

This means, he had given up his own Entitlements and cannot be Xenophobe as a Foreigner

[Image: Surrender-White-underwear.jpg]



Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

S'pore's 4G leaders were warned decades ago, but did they listen?
[Image: the-4g-had-been-warned-they-have-good-me...9da8f41994]

[Image: jinx.png]
Public trust in the MIW is at an all-time low

(10-12-2024, 05:59 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  S'pore's 4G leaders were warned decades ago, but did they listen?
[Image: the-4g-had-been-warned-they-have-good-me...9da8f41994]

PAP wasted $10 Million on Social Integration Program 

run by those PAP Ministers and people to form a Committee

At the end, absorbed by PA

What are the Fake Results they want to share?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

That Malaysian got so worked up and angry because I hit the nail on the wall?

He himself Surrender his Birth Right 管我屁事

Means he gave up his 3 Entitlements that comes with his Birth Right

Stop Crying like a Baby and Stop being jealous over my Birth Right, lah

You are a foreigner and demand we accept TRASH like you?


(02-02-2025, 09:54 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  ola is oops ccbai, wy:nox is oops arsehole

came here looking for sympathy but got fcuked by patriotic Singaporeans

the ccbai will come here to quarrel with strangers who does not agree with her xenophobic, racist behaviour

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

This Malaysian confirmed got his Fake NTU Degree

Just because of the name Singapura was used, so must accept 100 GENS of Free Flow Indians?

But this island was actually called Temasek in the 13th/ 14th Century, so must kick Indians OUT now?

(05-02-2025, 10:25 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  Singapura founded and named by a Prince of Indian origin

CECA Indians have every right to work and live here

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Thread about Ng CM but the MY +SG Traitor now wants

SG to be patriotic to China


(09-02-2025, 12:56 PM)FartSunKing Wrote:  You another stupid fcuk or what?

If you are of Chinsese descent, your ancestors were migrants from China

Do not sin against your ancestors by calling them turncoat 

Get it!

Early Migrants from Southern China

After Singapore was established as a British settlement in 1819, it attracted Chinese migrants who arrived in large numbers across subsequent decades. A census taken in 1824 by the British government showed that the Chinese made up 31% of a population of 10,683. This was also the year the British-Dutch skirmishes ended with the Treaty of London. The treaty encouraged the British to invest in Malaya’s labour-intensive tin and rubber industries which attracted labourers from China and India.
By the 1860s, Chinese migrants made up 65% of the population in Singapore, becoming the majority race. But where did Singapore’s early Chinese migrants come from? There were two main types of migrants, one that came from southern China (Fujian and Guangdong) and another from Southeast Asia.
The migrants from southern China made up the bulk of the influx of migrants. From coastal cities along southern China, these migrants were considered more adaptable and outward facing than the land-bound northern Chinese. Faced with the turmoils of the Taiping Rebellion (against the Manchu emperors) and natural disasters, many Chinese migrants left for Singapore in search of a better life. These migrants were mostly single males who were not well-educated, so they mostly worked as manual labourers.
Largely from the Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Hakka and Hainanese dialect groups, these migrants spoke their own dialects and often relied on related clan associations for social support. Through these associations and communities, they were able to continue to uphold the values and practices from China.
Compared to migrants who came directly from southern China, the Chinese migrants who came from Southeast Asia (SEA) had already been in the region many generations earlier. Their ancestors, also originally from southern China, had settled in regional port cities like Malacca, Penanga, Semarang, Yangon and Manila from as early as the 14th century.
These migrants were mainly male traders who were part of a well-established trading network between China and SEA. They had long acclimatised to local customs and habits by marrying local women. For example, the Peranakan Chinese spoke Baba Malay, a hybrid of Malay and Hokkien, and were also often fluent in European languages. This multi-lingual edge allowed them to act as middlemen between Europeans and locals.
Out of reach of the Chinese government and under the hands-off approach of British governance, both types of southern Chinese migrants continued their own way of life in Singapore. The southern Chinese have continued to form the largest portion of Chinese who have migrated overseas, becoming the majority of Chinese in America and SEA by the 1950s.
However, the greater ease of travel has affected migration trends today. Singapore is now seeing a greater diversity of migrants who are just as likely to come from major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, and rural regions like Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Senile Party refused to admit the FT#1 Policy Mistakes

Yet wants more of us to be Xenophobe so that he can import more FTs?

His 2015 apology 是 放 屁?

His lack of 20/20 vision 是 废 话 ?

Heng arh! He talk and I throw it into Dustbin like 垃圾 。

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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