Customer’s nightmare experience getting mocked by restaurant staff in Malacca
[+] 1 user Likes Ichigo's post

What was supposed to be a delicious lunch with her family very quickly became an unforgettable nightmare for this one diner who had to endure verbal abuse by the restaurant staff. The customer who goes by the name SisYana Lashes wrote on Facebook on 8 June 2022 that this was not her first time patronising Restoran 35.

SisYana had actually brought her family from Singapore to the restaurant in Malacca to try their tasty dishes.

She wrote: “I asked the restaurant staff — are these the only dishes that’s left? The lady replied yes and there still were remaining stingray dish, so I ordered it. If the dish is sold out, she could have just easily replied it’s sold out, but instead the lady retorted ‘you came at such a time where even if there was an elephant, even the elephant would be gone’.”

Stomach growling, SisYana ignored the lady’s words and placed an order for her family. But it did not end there. To her disdain, all through the meal, she added that her entire family had to undergo the nightmare of Restoran 35’s staff gossiping and mocking them loudly. And when her bill arrived, she was horrified that it had racked up to RM240.
SisYana explained in her Facebook post that the most hurtful moment was when the restaurant staff insulted her for ordering an omelette. She wrote: “Was it really necessary for the lady to go about saying ‘eating just omelette — if you have no money, don’t bother to bring your parents out to eat’. That sentence really ripped my heart to shreds.”
According to her, till the very end of the meal, not a single apology was uttered to her or her family over the employee’s unkind words. “Before this I have heard news about the restaurant employee’s infamous way of speaking, but it takes hearing it in person to really feel the pain,” she added.

Lesson learnt.... avoid Malacca completely....... Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

BBQ Stringray addictve dish.

(15-06-2022, 06:12 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Lesson learnt.... avoid Malacca completely....... Big Grin

Avoid Malaysia lah

Singapore treats tourists like god while we are treated like shit as tourist.


(15-06-2022, 06:25 PM)Choc Wrote:  Aiya one side of the story only.

Cheapo SinKies deserve it lor Laughing


One side of the story!
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Hard truth 

Your neighbour may not your friend 

Your friend may not be your friend
[+] 1 user Likes Odessy's post

Ha i too often portugese sq to dine
now problemo as iam not pacham-ed
and passport expired
The problem the place no business
and when people no money Hot.
You got money b Mindful
enjoy and laugh

in foreign land bear with it.
any way may not be the problem of the owner, some time it is the employee having problem with the owners and playing out their anger to customers.
unhappy encounter with people all over the place. just forget it.
remember the happy incident with other people.
makes one happier.

Never do homework, got to blame herself.

When ordering any dish, must request for price list.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Publicise the restaurant's name and get on with life.

When visiting Melaka, just AVOID RESTORAN 35.

Before: At your service; After: Serves you right!

(15-06-2022, 07:59 PM)Odessy Wrote:  Hard truth 

Your neighbour may not your friend 

Your friend may not be your friend

[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

Maybe customer complained bill expensive M$240 for egg omelette plus rice since stingray sold out maybe with some other dishes
N was mocked no money don’t come here eat.

Restaurant 35 wa must remember don’t order egg omelette

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 
[+] 1 user Likes Lukongsimi's post

Now go Malaysia confirm tio chop.
The best is wait it out till next year
[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

(15-06-2022, 06:08 PM)Ichigo Wrote:

Why go there for insults leh?
[+] 1 user Likes cheekopekman's post

Very dirty eating places with flies and mosquitoes around. Plates and utensils are not washed properly.

After using toilets, hands are not washed cleanly.

Still dare to eat there?

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