Dam busy since like War boast my Uncle business

early morning entertain China Clients, yesterday is Ang mo clients...my body now dam felling exhausted.
Also dam fully, China clients always say " Come come eat , eat "

Your ang moh clients can understand you or not? You'd better brush up your English. Dun xia suay us!

(01-03-2022, 03:35 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Your ang moh clients can understand you or not? You'd better brush up your English. Dun xia suay us!

My Uncle Ang moh clients actually knows how to speak Mandrain. Is more likely as Chinese in SG those cannot speak well in Mandrain really Xia Suay been a Chinese. I was shock the Ang Mo clients Mandrain is even better than mine ok. Later than I know they used to work in Taiwan and China thus this is why their spoken Mandrian is very good.

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