Dear PAP, Does This Old Man Look Like He’s ‘Exercising’?

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Singapore is an ageing population dominated by senior citizens who have worked hard for our nation. In your opinion, are they well taken care of by the government? Is the PAP doing enough to repay them for their contributions and fulfill their promises?

On August 1st, a video surfaced on Facebook that instantly stirred emotions amongst Singaporeans.

An old man, who is almost limping, was filmed pushing a huge dumpster. He looked old and not in the best of health. Why does he still need to work?

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Find out his story. What was he doing when he was young.

I cannot see his face but he looks like he belonged to LKY's era. He's probably a pioneer generationer.

So what went wrong with his life?

I can also show you pictures of Singaporean elderlies on vacations in China, Japan and Europe.

But if you are so inclined to help that one in the above picture, go give him some money instead of posting here....

PAP will say it's his hobby

to push around a heavy cart under the sweltering sun to get Vit D

and smell the sweet aroma of garbage

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(07-09-2022, 09:30 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  Ladies and gentlemen

Use your brain and think before you open your cbai mouth

Dear Malaysian and Singapore Traitor

Where is your LJ Brain?

in the dustbin smelly and rotting again

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Progressive wage scheme..this job is e2i work trial?

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