Death globally, contributing terrible "three highs" (high blood, sug

Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of death globally, and its largest contributing factors are the terrible "three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol).
Hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia are becoming more prevalent in modern society, and the incidence of these conditions is also trending towards younger age groups.
What can we do to effectively prevent the three highs?
Let me introduce a method that could reverse the three highs, even if one has suffered from them for many years!
This is a very important lesson!
心脑血管疾病已成为人类死亡的 “头号杀手”,而最大的病因,就是可怕的三高!

53-year-old-NUS-professor-collapses-after-run-dies-on-the-way-to-hospital.  Cry Sick Wilted_rose

Sharing FYI ONLY. For info: 
65 years old this year *Drinking Pu-erh tea high cholesterol returned to normal & lost 9KG*🍵? 

Senior sister has symptoms of diabetes at the age of 35 and needs blood tests twice a year to detect her condition.

In Jan 2022, blood test report found that there was serious cholesterol, and index reached 8 mmol/L. Doctor said that risk of stroke was very high; if cholesterol was too high, doctor would usually advise take medicine to lower it. 

The normal range of the total amount should be 3.6-5.2 mmol/L, if content is 5.2-6.2 mmol/L, it means that there is a moderate risk of disease, and if it exceeds 6.2 mmol/L, there is a high risk]
The senior sister was scared and asked doctor what to do? Doctor prescribed 10ml of cholesterol medicine to senior sister, doubling the dose; asked the senior sister to come back for a test in a month.

But senior sister's toes will hurt after taking it, so she dare not take medicine anymore. I suddenly remembered that Master’s YouTube mentioned that drinking Pu’er tea can help reduce cellulite, so the senior sister boiled two teapots to drink every day, and of course also cooperated with gossip.
One month later, the blood test report had good news! Cholesterol was reduced to 3 mmol/L, and the doctor said that there is no need to take medicine anymore. The senior sister is very happy, the weight of 75KG has also been reduced to 66KG, a total of 9KG has been lost, and she can wear back the pants she wore when she was 35 years old!

The senior sister drank Pu-erh tea instead of water every-day!. Tongue

Thank to all, to those interested in Reading
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

FyI Only *Stroke patient shares...*

3 years ago I was still exercising-cycling and fitness ... very fit and healthy ...

But .. 3 years later I HAD A STROKE ...*

One day, when I stood up, my surroundings felt like swaying and my hands and feet felt tingling.

4 days at ICCU
15 days in the hospital room

Diagnosis results ...
*High blood pressure, thick blood, ruptured blood vessels in the right brain*

Got out of the hospital.
Every day taking endless medicine ...
Various health products ...
Resisting pain, massage, acupuncture ....
Sit in a wheelchair.
Conditions like a 2 yr old child learning to walk ...
It is not an easy condition !!!

I thought ... Why do I have a stroke when I do regular exercise, no smoking / alcohol / stay up?

I just found out the real cause was,
*Long thirst ... lack of water ...!*

Here I want to remind everyone:
Remember to always drink water so that the body does not lack water!
*We need it every day.*

*When traveling out, bring supplies of drinking water*
*There are people who say drinking a lot of water make them often go to the toilet*
  *My answer is...It is better to go to the TOILET often than to get STROKE!*

Please always REMEMBER:
• Before / after exercise, drink 1 glass of water.
• Before / after eating, drink 1 glass of water.
• Before going to bed, drink 1 glass of *warm water*
• Wake up, drink 1 glass of *warm water*
*May we all always be healthy until our old age*

I share my personal experience to advise and for your consideration ...
(If we take enough water, it is not easy to get a stroke)

*Remember! STROKE is no longer just a disease of PARENTS and MEN, but YOUNG children also suffer from STROKE*

*DRINKING ENOUGH WATER is a way of prevention*
[+] 3 users Like Tee tiong huat's post

Actually most doctors know about the effectiveness of such herbal remedies based on feedback from their patients.

But because of their training and job requirements, they are not allowed to give such advice to the patients. Only their spouses, parents and some close relatives know about such "secrets"

(10-07-2023, 11:00 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  53-year-old-NUS-professor-collapses-after-run-dies-on-the-way-to-hospital.  Cry Sick Wilted_rose
FyI Only *Stroke patient shares...*

3 years ago I was still exercising-cycling and fitness ... very fit and healthy ...

But .. 3 years later I HAD A STROKE ...*

In he's case. The Prof@53-year old (young) NUS professor-collapses after run & dies on the way to hospital.  Sick Wilted_rose

(10-07-2023, 11:37 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Actually most doctors know about the effectiveness of such herbal remedies based on feedback from their patients.

But because of their training and job requirements, they are not allowed to give such advice to the patients. Only their spouses, parents and some close relatives know about such "secrets"
Yes. You are 100% right. Tongue

All thanks to processed food.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

Exercise makes you fit.

Eating right makes you healthy.

Fit and healthy are two different things. You can be fit but not healthy.
[+] 1 user Likes Oyk's post

(10-07-2023, 11:37 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Actually most doctors know about the effectiveness of such herbal remedies based on feedback from their patients.

But because of their training and job requirements, they are not allowed to give such advice to the patients. Only their spouses, parents and some close relatives know about such "secrets"

[Image: Screenshot-20230809-170742-Video-Player.jpg]


(10-07-2023, 10:06 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Exercise makes you fit.

Eating right makes you healthy.

Fit and healthy are two different things. You can be fit but not healthy.
Just for Info Readjng Oni...
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[Image: Screenshot-20231111-225002-Whats-App.jpg]

(11-11-2023, 11:05 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Just for Info Readjng Oni...
[Image: Screenshot-20231111-225516-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231111-225108-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231111-225002-Whats-App.jpg]
Be ready... crying crying crying Thinking
so suddenly rain pour. I wet...I'm wet a little bit

(10-07-2023, 11:00 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  53-year-old-NUS-professor-collapses-after-run-dies-on-the-way-to-hospital.  Cry Sick Wilted_rose
A senior consultant urologist specialising in prostate cancer was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer himself. Professor Christopher Cheng, 66, is among 20 doctors featured in a video series called Doctors’ Die-logues

The doctors share their diverse experiences and perspectives on death and dying in the series
The videos produced by Lien Foundation aim to help healthcare professionals get a better understanding of the topic of death and the need for compassionate care. The professor told of the “humbling” lessons he learnt while battling cancer and his own emotional ups and downs

SINGAPORE — Having dedicated more than three decades of his career to the field of urology focused on prostate cancer, Professor Christopher Cheng was aware of the sobering possibility that he may eventually succumb to the very same disease he knows well as a specialist.

In 2017, the urologist and trailblazer in the use of robots for surgery found himself on the other side of the treatment room after becoming a patient himself.
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(10-07-2023, 11:37 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Actually most doctors know about the effectiveness of such herbal remedies based on feedback from their patients.

But because of their training and job requirements, they are not allowed to give such advice to the patients. Only their spouses, parents and some close relatives know about such "secrets"

Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of death globally, and its largest contributing factors are the terrible "three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol).
Hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia are becoming more prevalent in modern society, and the incidence of these conditions is also trending towards younger age groups.
What can we do to effectively prevent the three highs?
Let me introduce a method that could reverse the three highs, even if one has suffered from them for many years!
This is a very important lesson!

心脑血管疾病已成为人类死亡的 “头号杀手”,而最大的病因,就是可怕的三高!

spikedemic occurs in 83% of those vaccinated
[Image: Screenshot-2023-11-22-at-07-41-36-URGENT...ysis-C.png]
dat for the short
long covid is similar but there are differences
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-11-22-07-51-48.png]

(22-11-2023, 07:42 AM)singlon Wrote:  spikedemic occurs in 83% of those vaccinated
[Image: Screenshot-2023-11-22-at-07-41-36-URGENT...ysis-C.png]
dat for the short
long covid is similar but there are differences
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-11-22-07-51-48.png]
Yes Thk Nervous must take Doc advice for me (No)
Earlier +TCM acupuncture (Yes to, to help me to recover well)

(22-11-2023, 03:17 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Yes Thk Nervous must take Doc advice for me (No)
Earlier +TCM acupuncture (Yes to, to help me to recover well)

(10-07-2023, 11:00 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  53-year-old-NUS-professor-collapses-after-run-dies-on-the-way-to-hospital.  Cry Sick Wilted_rose
Man just saved a Young Girl's Lifie just in time. Clapping

(16-08-2023, 02:11 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-20230809-170742-Video-Player.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164152-Whats-App.jpg]

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[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164334-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164400-Whats-App.jpg]

(25-11-2023, 07:06 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-20231125-164152-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164230-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164246-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164312-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164334-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164400-Whats-App.jpg]
Studies indicate more than 30% of patients hospitalized with COVID- Sick 19 develop Devil kidney injury, and more than 50% of patients in the intensive care unit with kidney injury may require dialysis.

(10-07-2023, 11:28 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Sharing FYI ONLY. For info: 
65 years old this year *Drinking Pu-erh tea high cholesterol returned to normal & lost 9KG*🍵? 

Senior sister has symptoms of diabetes at the age of 35 and needs blood tests twice a year to detect her condition.

In Jan 2022, blood test report found that there was serious cholesterol, and index reached 8 mmol/L. Doctor said that risk of stroke was very high; if cholesterol was too high, doctor would usually advise take medicine to lower it. 

The normal range of the total amount should be 3.6-5.2 mmol/L, if content is 5.2-6.2 mmol/L, it means that there is a moderate risk of disease, and if it exceeds 6.2 mmol/L, there is a high risk]
The senior sister was scared and asked doctor what to do? Doctor prescribed 10ml of cholesterol medicine to senior sister, doubling the dose; asked the senior sister to come back for a test in a month.

But senior sister's toes will hurt after taking it, so she dare not take medicine anymore. I suddenly remembered that Master’s YouTube mentioned that drinking Pu’er tea can help reduce cellulite, so the senior sister boiled two teapots to drink every day, and of course also cooperated with gossip.
One month later, the blood test report had good news! Cholesterol was reduced to 3 mmol/L, and the doctor said that there is no need to take medicine anymore. The senior sister is very happy, the weight of 75KG has also been reduced to 66KG, a total of 9KG has been lost, and she can wear back the pants she wore when she was 35 years old!

The senior sister drank Pu-erh tea instead of water every-day!. Tongue

Thank to all, to those interested in Reading

one month weight from 75kg drop to 66kg. that is a scam... dont believe. Unless she got cancer.

(10-07-2023, 10:06 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Exercise makes you fit.

Eating right makes you healthy.

Fit and healthy are two different things. You can be fit but not healthy.

[Image: happy-dance.gif]

(26-11-2023, 10:43 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Studies indicate more than 30% of patients hospitalized with COVID- Sick 19 develop Devil kidney injury, and more than 50% of patients in the intensive care unit with kidney injury may require dialysis.
It hit all ages from young to old and very old folks. Those in, from early middle ages to 70 to 79 year-olds 676 deaths... and those 80 to 89 year-olds shocking13,294 deaths to16,171 deaths. 

According to UK Govt dept known as UK Health Agency (UKHSA), by 3rd July 2022, 18.9 million people had refused 1st dose of COVID-19 injection, 21.5m folks had refused 2nd dose of COVID-19 injection, alongside 2.6m folks who had received 1st dose but refused 2nd, and 30.4 mil had refused 3rd dose. As Covid-19 injection alongside 8.9 mil who had received 2nd dose but refused the third. (Source)

(24-11-2023, 02:19 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Man just saved a Young Girl's Lifie just in time. Clapping
A close friend of Queenzy Cheng spoke to the Malaysian media on Dec 1 on behalf of the family, clarifying that there wasn't a hair dryer among her belongings the day she died. There was instead a curling iron.

She also denied rumours that Queenzy was overworked, saying the latter valued work-life balance.

Malaysian singer-actress Queenzy Cheng's sudden death might have been caused by her usage of a hair dryer, according to a doctor interviewed by China Press yesterday (Nov 29

(16-12-2023, 06:33 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  A close friend of Queenzy Cheng spoke to the Malaysian media on Dec 1 on behalf of the family, clarifying that there wasn't a hair dryer among her belongings the day she died. There was instead a curling iron.

She also denied rumours that Queenzy was overworked, saying the latter valued work-life balance.

Malaysian singer-actress Queenzy Cheng's sudden death might have been caused by her usage of a hair dryer, according to a doctor interviewed by China Press yesterday (Nov 29
M’sian Group M-Girls Pose At Wake Of Member Queenzy Cheng, Who Died 40 Minutes After Complaining Of A Headache. The 37-year-old Malaysian singer was still looking well in an Instagram story she posted just a day before her sudden passing on Tuesday (Nov 28).

(16-12-2023, 06:38 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  M’sian Group M-Girls Pose At Wake Of Member Queenzy Cheng, Who Died 40 Minutes After Complaining Of A Headache. The 37-year-old Malaysian singer was still looking well in an Instagram story she posted just a day before her sudden passing on Tuesday (Nov 28).
Blow-drying hair might have led to brain aneurysm rupture in Malaysian ??????. Dec 1 on behalf of family, clarifying that there wasn't a hair dryer among her belongings the day she died, instead a curling iron she used and was not overworked, the latter valued work-life balance. 
Malaysian singer-actress Queenzy Cheng's sudden death might have been caused by her usage of a hair dryer, according to a doctor interviewed by China Press yesterday (Nov 29).

Co-star Chai Zi revealed in an interview with media they had started filming around 8.30am and were about to begin filming a new episode at 10.30am when Queenzy felt ill. "After blow-drying her hair, she suddenly sat down and said she felt dizzy, stating she had a headache and felt like vomiting," 

Queenzy, 37, suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm while filming in Damansara, Selangor on Nov 28 and died some 40 minutes after feeling unwell.

Queenzy's heart rate shot up, and her hands, feet and lips turned blue. She eventually died on set despite efforts by staff and paramedics to resuscitate her.

(16-12-2023, 06:38 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  M’sian Group M-Girls Pose At Wake Of Member Queenzy Cheng, Who Died 40 Minutes After Complaining Of A Headache. The 37-year-old Malaysian singer was still looking well in an Instagram story she posted just a day before her sudden passing on Tuesday (Nov 28).
Brain Aneurysm: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

☆ Brain Aneurysms: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

☆ Why Brain Aneurysms Need Watching, Not Worrying | Blog | Loyola ...

☆ About Brain Aneurysms - The Bee Foundation
Unruptured Brain Aneurysms | Johns Hopkins Medicine

☆ Brain Aneurysm: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

☆ View all
Other symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm also tend to come on suddenly and may include:
☆》 feeling or being sick.
☆》 a stiff neck or neck pain.
☆》 sensitivity to light.
☆》 blurred or double vision.
☆》 sudden confusion.
☆》 loss of consciousness.
☆》 fits (seizures)
☆》 weakness on 1 side of the body or in any limbs...and maybe more...others thing. Rolleyes

Cardiovascular disease kills
17.5 million people every year

In Australia, and around world, cardiovascular disease kills more people than any other disease or illness. More than any cancer, Alzheimer's, or HIV/AIDS.

Every day, the scientists at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute discover more about how to protect, heal, and care for our hearts. You can too.

(16-12-2023, 07:11 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Brain Aneurysm: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

☆ Brain Aneurysms: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

☆ Why Brain Aneurysms Need Watching, Not Worrying | Blog | Loyola ...

☆ About Brain Aneurysms - The Bee Foundation
Unruptured Brain Aneurysms | Johns Hopkins Medicine

☆ Brain Aneurysm: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

☆ View all
Other symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm also tend to come on suddenly and may include:
☆》 feeling or being sick.
☆》 a stiff neck or neck pain.
☆》 sensitivity to light.
☆》 blurred or double vision.
☆》 sudden confusion.
☆》 loss of consciousness.
☆》 fits (seizures)
☆》 weakness on 1 side of the body or in any limbs...and maybe more...others thing. Rolleyes
Symptoms which make us realize about the presence of deposits in the blood vessels?

- Of there are. The main symptoms are:

Memory impairments
Chronic fatigue
Intimate issues
Eyesight and hearing disorders
High blood pressure
Breathing impairments and angina pectoris
Pale skin on the legs
Muscle and joint pain

Regardless if you have one of these symptoms or not, after the age of 30, it is necessary to cleanse the blood vessels at least once in 5 years. This way, you will have a strong health.

The blood vessels have the capacity of gathering impurities, especially in older people. For it is not necessary to eat burgers or French fries all day long. Even after eating a sausage or a fried egg, a certain amount of cholesterol will deposit in the blood cells, which, in time, will for reading.

(10-07-2023, 11:28 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Sharing FYI ONLY. For info: 
65 years old this year *Drinking Pu-erh tea high cholesterol returned to normal & lost 9KG*🍵? 

Senior sister has symptoms of diabetes at the age of 35 and needs blood tests twice a year to detect her condition.

In Jan 2022, blood test report found that there was serious cholesterol, and index reached 8 mmol/L. Doctor said that risk of stroke was very high; if cholesterol was too high, doctor would usually advise take medicine to lower it. 

The normal range of the total amount should be 3.6-5.2 mmol/L, if content is 5.2-6.2 mmol/L, it means that there is a moderate risk of disease, and if it exceeds 6.2 mmol/L, there is a high risk]
The senior sister was scared and asked doctor what to do? Doctor prescribed 10ml of cholesterol medicine to senior sister, doubling the dose; asked the senior sister to come back for a test in a month.

But senior sister's toes will hurt after taking it, so she dare not take medicine anymore. I suddenly remembered that Master’s YouTube mentioned that drinking Pu’er tea can help reduce cellulite, so the senior sister boiled two teapots to drink every day, and of course also cooperated with gossip.
One month later, the blood test report had good news! Cholesterol was reduced to 3 mmol/L, and the doctor said that there is no need to take medicine anymore. The senior sister is very happy, the weight of 75KG has also been reduced to 66KG, a total of 9KG has been lost, and she can wear back the pants she wore when she was 35 years old!

The senior sister drank Pu-erh tea instead of water every-day!. Tongue

Thank to all, to those interested in Reading
senior sister boiled two teapots to drink everyday, for me 1 small tea tablet in the coffee or tea cup.

[Image: IMG-20221215-WA0009.jpg]


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