Defeating Putin in Ukraine may take years, says Dominic Raab

Defeating Putin in Ukraine may take years, says Dominic Raab

Deputy PM says Nato will need ‘strategic stamina’ as Starmer accuses ministers of moving too slowly on sanctionsRussia-Ukraine war: live updatesIt may take years for Vladimir Putin to be defeated in his conquest of Ukraine, Britain’s deputy prime minister has admitted, as Labour accused the government of moving too slowly over sanctions.Dominic Raab said people who thought the crisis could be resolved in days were “deluding themselves” and that Nato would need to “show some strategic stamina” in its bid to force the Russian army to retreat. Continue reading...

#Ukraine #Europe #World_news #Russia #Dominic_Raab

Who do you think will file for bankruptcy?

....and Singapore made some losses which could be recovered through GST
[+] 1 user Likes Dan's post

He is trying to sacrify how many Ukrainian lives?

10 million???

How come Anglo-Saxons are so evil!  Angry
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Don't defeat Putin in Ukraine but outside Ukraine by breaking Putin financially.

1. Putin ran a kleptocracy and an Oligarch structure

2. Because Putin and oligarchs fear their wealth will be taken back if the govt collapse. They launder it outside Russia through safe havens

3. But it turn out most of these safe havens are western countries.

4. Confiscate this ill gotten wealth and cut off Russian economy.

5. Once the money is gone there is no honor among thieves. These oligarchs will blame Putin for his stupid war and the best way to have a chance to get back the money is get rid of Putin.

6. Putin due to his paranoia will take action and sow discord among the Oligarchs..either they die or he die.

Putin best move now is to negotiate away the sanctions.

If the sanctions remain it will destroy his govt.

In a sense the West has already won taking advantage of Putin and his oligarchs weakness od laundering money out of Russia and parking it in western countries.

The war I believe after read through alot of profile of Putin's background has nothing to do with NATO or old Soviet glory.

He need to fight these wars for victory to shore up support at home. If he loses power he will be hunted down as a criminal because of the money he and the oligarchs have stolen.

Long term whether he wins in Ukraine means nothing for Russia long term. Russia has a hollow economy that mainly exports oil and gas, no bigger than half of California. ....holding on to more land when it already has biggest land mass in the world is insignificant 

The puppet autocrat in Belarus almost collapse last yr and the one in Kazakhstan collapsed. That is Putin main fear iss losing power before his death.

He attacked Ukraine to gain a victory to shore up support at home.

However, he miscalculated and sanctions will ceuah his economy and Ukrainian resistances will make sure he has no quick victory.

His destruction is already seeded.

The West should not give him a way out.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(06-03-2022, 09:19 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Don't defeat Putin in Ukraine but outside Ukraine by breaking Putin financially.

You should go to Ukraine to join Ix Shen to fight?  Laughing

How can it b possible wif 16k freedom fighters Spore advocacy in sanctions.... US UK... secret ops... n all NATO  Big Grin

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

It is Europe & the whole world that needs the stamina to last the high energy prices. How long can we last $150 per barrel oil?

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