Inactivated Valneva’s Covid-19 Vaccine Reaches UK Market with EU In Sights

A Covid-19 vaccine developed by the French company Valneva has received the green light from the UK’s drug regulator, and the EMA will make its own decision in the coming weeks.

Rather than targeting the spike protein of the virus behind Covid-19 as current vaccines do, Valneva’s candidate trains the immune system with a killed form of the whole virus. This means the immune system could better recognize and fight forms of Covid-19 even when the spike protein evolves to evade detection.

There are many other candidate Covid-19 vaccines in the queue for approval in Europe. The most advanced include a protein vaccine developed by Hipra in Spain, an inactivated vaccine from Sinovac in China, and a protein vaccine developed by Sanofi and GSK. 

Russia’s Sputnik V is also in rolling review with the EMA, but given the raging war in Ukraine, its chances of reaching the EU market are all but dashed.

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