Didi and JD.com workers get unions in watershed moment for China's tech sector

PUBLISHED SEP 2, 2021, 8:58 AM SGT

BEIJING (BLOOMBERG) - Didi Global is helping workers establish their first union, a groundbreaking decision its fellow tech giants may soon follow as China imposes rules to curb excessive work and protect millions of blue-collar workers from exploitation.


Peers, including food-delivery leader Meituan, are also studying the feasibility of internal labour rights organisations, another source said. Employees from Alibaba Group Holding have posted calls for the formation of a union on their own company forum


JD.com also established a union this week


Tech giants like Didi are responding to regulators' demands that sharing economy behemoths improve the welfare of millions of low-wage workers they depend on to power growth.


Gig economy workers from Silicon Valley to India have in recent years become increasingly vocal in protesting their rights, gaining the attention of politicians.


China's top court and Labour Ministry published a lengthy essay outlining 10 cases - including but not limited to the tech industry - in which employees were forced to work extra hours or put in harm's way, using real and richly detailed court disputes to demonstrate how to fight against labour rights violations.


China's tech workers face immense pressure to log long hours to meet exacting deadlines while often lacking clear legal recourse


its a good thing

considering some action taken by big co when hit by bad times, massive layoff with little to no compensation

Thinking end up like NTUC?

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