Discriminatory remarks made against LGBTQ community during Sec 4 assembly at HCI

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On 13 July 2022, a talk held during an assembly session for secondary 4 students at Hwa Chong Institution (HCI) purportedly took aim at the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) community at large, with certain presentation slides construing an individual's sexual orientation as societally polarizing (see screenshots provided above).

Some subtly demeaning quotes from the school counsellor who spoke included the following:
• "SSA (same sex attraction) is not a sign of one being gay/homosexual."
• "We should not be too hasty in labelling ourselves."
• "If you choose to come out, it's not the end of the world."

More at https://www.domainofexperts.com/2022/07/...ainst.html

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