Dmitry Medvedev: “one feels feelings of hatred, contempt, and disgust”

Based as fk

"Two news comments from last night:

1. The President of Russia thoroughly and in detail explained to the Western world why there was, is, and will be no Ukraine. Tucker Carlson didn't back down or falter.

2. Looking at the biography of the new commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky, one feels feelings of hatred, contempt, and disgust.

Hatred towards everyone involved in the collapse of the Soviet Union (and in fact, the Russian Empire), as a result of which a huge country that balanced the world order disappeared, and millions of people were doomed to suffering and death.

Contempt for Western countries, which maniacally, frenziedly, by all possible means, pushed the peoples of Russia and Ukraine (or rather, the united Russian people) into a new civil war.

Disgust towards a man who was a Soviet Russian officer but became a Bandera traitor, who broke his oath and serves the Nazis, destroying his own kin.

May the earth burn beneath his feet!"

Don't worry there is an army of useful idiots pumped full of mRNA goodness who are ready to support Ukraine neo nazis... Tongue

Moscow will be surrounded in 3 days... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

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