Texas abortion law strains clinics near Texas


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — One Texas woman traveled nearly 1,000 miles to Colorado for an abortion. Others are driving four hours to New Mexico. And in Houston, clinics that typically perform more than 100 abortions in a week are down to a few a day.


Two weeks after the nation’s strictest abortion law took effect in Texas ...... One network of clinics in Texas, which performed more than 9,000 abortions in 2020, said it has so far turned away more than 100 patients.


Planned Parenthood clinics in Houston had 63 patients scheduled for an abortion, far fewer than the roughly 25 they would normally perform in a single day alone.


Dr. Allison Gilbert said 13 of her colleagues were temporarily sent to a sister clinic in New Mexico to help serve an influx of Texas patients


Providers in neighboring states described growing backlogs of patients that are becoming increasingly difficult to manage. At a Planned Parenthood clinic in Oklahoma City, more than 60% of the 219 appointments over the next two weeks are from Texas.

Much much more at: https://apnews.com/article/texas-courts-...915429e594

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