Doc going to Huat! at Clinic ,

Should we be worried about respiratory outbreaks in China?

some comments,

" A lot of my friends got sick and fever and cough too in Malaysia, I feel like it is just a normal flu, so nothing to worry about as long as you get enough rest and stay hydrated. Your body will heal itself. "

" As you can see there were and are and will ever be other viruses than Covid. Covid was just a hype. What is the difference? The difference is that the Pharma industry managed to to get a license for their not sufficiently tested and often harmful vaccines and they were able to earn hundreds of billions of dollars and euros in this hype. "

" The very same thing happened last year 2022 during flu season to US and Europe too i.e. a tremendous spike in children getting RSV, as well as covid and flu virus as reported by UK's newspaper. It was headlined: '"Race to control ‘tripledemic’ as cases of RSV in children sweep US and Europe"'. The news article mentions that by December countries like Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay that they were also experiencing the same respiratory infection spikes.
Why is should this now come as a surprise since China only ended their zero Covid policy earlier in March 2023 which is past last year flu season."

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