Does it make sense to build Lee Kuan Yew statue on a $20 billion land?

Slated to open in 2027, the Founders’ Memorial will commemorate the values and ideals exemplified by the late Founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore’s first generation leaders, as well as other key personalities who played important roles in Singapore’s path to independence, and in the early years of Singapore’s nation-building process. The Memorial’s narrative will take a values-driven approach, which continues to be informed through engagement with Singaporeans.

Envisioned as an integrated gallery and gardens experience at the Bay East Garden, the Memorial aims to both commemorate how independent Singapore came to be, and inspire Singaporeans to commit themselves to building the nation’s future, together.

lee kuan yew is priceless

(21-04-2023, 12:42 PM)XiXiPee Wrote:  lee kuan yew is priceless

His statue should be build at tuas 2nd link to remind the jiu hu kia of our success
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(21-04-2023, 12:44 PM)TopSage Wrote:  His statue should be build at tuas 2nd link to remind the jiu hu kia of our success

he should replace dua pek kong

His statue should be build side by side with Stamford raffles. Lky hands over raffles shoulder like best buddy.

his statue will always remind singaporeans about his failure of upbringing of his children.
his children have become enemies after his death over the quarrel of inheritance/will.

whenever people talk about LKY, people will talk about his children's rivalry.

LKY wanted future leaders to stand on their own feet and not try to milk his legacy for legitimacy.

Every era is a new battle to improve the lives of the people. Every era has its own solutions and approach. There is never and end game where we can stop.

We cannot keep referencing LKY for solutions ...every generation has to find its own way forward.

LKY understood this asked for buildings not to be named after him, no memorials and for his home to be demolish. But the future leaders can't help but to defy his wishes and ride on his legacy.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

This Loong never listen. Keep juicing his father status.

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

go against the wishes of a great man will bring disaster to a country,no respect to the dead person

karma is after2027 spore will go down hill fr this yr 
worry for the future generations.

[Image: ?]

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

LKY already said he doesn't want to be idolised by having his face on statues or coins or some shrine. Why does the govt persist in going against his wishes?

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