Doubt and questions on hwz?

What is your pov?

[Image: IMG-20240611-194114.jpg]

Even the senior mod there was caught lying before... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[+] 1 user Likes Geneco's post

(11-06-2024, 05:07 PM)Geneco Wrote:  Even the senior mod there was caught lying before... Tongue

Which mod ? Can do a screenshot and post here

Stated very loud moderator are not employee of sph or hwz.
Therefore  , can sue the moderator not sph or hwz.

(11-06-2024, 06:09 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Stated very loud moderator are not employee of sph or hwz.
Therefore  , can sue the moderator not sph or hwz.

[Image: eek.gif]
[+] 1 user Likes twinkle07's post

(11-06-2024, 06:50 PM)twinkle07 Wrote:  [Image: eek.gif]

Mean they are being thrown under bas if anything happens hor...if all user do a class suits.

Plus not to mention got one paid user also tio since here someone have screen shot it ....

Really 被人卖了还再帮人家数钱。
please dunch challenge or threaten the "wumao / putinmao" mods and get banned as no refunds lolololololol 

[Image: IMG-20240611-193002-961.jpg]
Quote:[Image: IMG-20240611-192959-681.jpg]

must continue spreading anti-CCP papaganda as a useful idiot!

(11-06-2024, 07:19 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Plus not to mention got one paid user also tio since here someone have screen shot it ....

Really 被人卖了还再帮人家数钱。

need to paid to use hwz?
[+] 1 user Likes K88 shu shu's post

(11-06-2024, 07:30 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  need to paid to use hwz?

Got paid user and non paid user

Just see paid user want to go for civil suite boh or report Mata

[Image: IMG-20240611-192959-681.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20240611-193002-961.jpg]

That why I say 被人卖了还再帮人家数钱 and 所有人都有个人偏见、私欲,没有人能够做到完全公正和公平。

And my question is why moderator can stay for so long they very free no family and no other commitments. If no benefit won't stay for so long and who monitoring them and what are the guide lines on them?

(11-06-2024, 05:12 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Which mod ? Can do a screenshot and post here

Intrinion roh who else lololololol...

you never see they always have to send intrinion to deal with me even for trivial infractions lolololol... Tongue

too bad rah... tio caught lying in feedback forums tio quoted by us before he edited and deleted his previous replies... Tongue

Intrinion ah intrinion... Tongue

if you got any sliver of integrity or shame, swear to god on HWZ that you never lied before and acted on good faith... else quit your moral high horse rah... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[+] 1 user Likes Geneco's post

(11-06-2024, 07:54 PM)Geneco Wrote:  Intrinion roh who else lololololol...

you never see they always have to send intrinion to deal with me even for trivial infractions lolololol... Tongue

too bad rah... tio caught lying in feedback forums tio quoted by us before he edited and deleted his previous replies... Tongue

Intrinion ah intrinion... Tongue

if you got any sliver of integrity or shame, swear to god on HWZ that you never lied before and acted on good faith... else quit your moral high horse rah... Tongue

You got screenshot boh...

One of my reply was deleted also...

When someone mentioned that person very triggered. And I replied to that someone triggered maybe ' what if' no free thank you given really super trigger till deleted that reply I given to that someone.

(11-06-2024, 08:12 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  You got screenshot boh...

One of my reply was deleted also...

When someone mentioned that person very triggered. And I replied to that someone triggered maybe ' what if' no free thank you given really super trigger till deleted that reply I given to that someone.

Of course have, it's in feedback forums some time back... Tongue

Quite funny cause Ottoke challenged us to provide local SG evidence for covid related issues. 

Ownself lack knowledge ownself fall into own trap thinking our sources and evidence base is only "foreign" lololololol... Tongue

Little did they know about the local SG NUHS study with ivermectin sponsored by Temasek lololololol...

Dished that out cold, they kenna stunned gotch such a local SG study with damning evidence of a positive benefit with ivm hidden in Table 2 of the study with such little dosage lololololol... Tongue

End up have to send intrinion who claims to have read the entire study, but end up kenna exposed to read only the abstract lololololol... Tongue

Then we quoted intrinion original reply and caught him red handed before he went back to do multiple edits after we call out his lies lololololol.... Tongue

That's how we found out their real intent and lack of real substance and modus operandi to shut us down fast when we expose their deeds.

That's why it evident from this sagat that they are not there to debate on evidence on an even keel... they just want to clear the reports, get rid of you if bother them...

Then send dragon or admin to close the thread and end it lololololol...

Their shenanigans got so bad they even had to block us in threads from replying even if we post replies with proper evidence and just taking part in a normal debate.

Just to prevent us from replying properly and conduct the debate effectively...

Funny none of the evidence we provided was debunked properly or officially and yet they had the cheek to accuse and silence us on a whim.

They know deep in their heart they can't out debate us one lololololol... Tongue

Any moral high ground they claim is mostly for show and feel good nia, for they abuse their powers when convenient, just like any normal human would...

That's why every little small small thing also want to infract 9696 on our end... Tongue

But hell look at how the tables have turned and the blood on their hands now...

Good luck washing away the blood of innocents for censoring fair and reasonable debate backed by local evidence...

Need to dig out the old thread unless it was deleted lololololol... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[+] 1 user Likes Geneco's post

(11-06-2024, 08:12 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  You got screenshot boh...

One of my reply was deleted also...

When someone mentioned that person very triggered. And I replied to that someone triggered maybe ' what if' no free thank you given really super trigger till deleted that reply I given to that someone.

Your gripe is with who sia?

Just say cause they confirm reading this and using this against you as we speak lololololol... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

(11-06-2024, 09:29 PM)Geneco Wrote:  Your gripe is with who sia?

Just say cause they confirm reading this and using this against you as we speak lololololol... Tongue

The same guy with orwell76.

Plus very chee Hong when iamchiobu21 tio pban suddenly jump out to defend her

(11-06-2024, 11:00 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  The same guy with orwell76.

Plus very chee Hong when iamchiobu21 tio pban suddenly jump out to defend her
Who sia?

This kind of trivial saga we seldom follow lolololol...

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

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