Edmwer Factuup make police report Liao.

Edmwer Factuup make police report Liao.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-02-11-18-38-52-523-com-s...rowser.jpg]
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good,  CECA lover Vijay go lim kopi
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Need to buy popcorn to celebrate hor

(11-02-2023, 06:40 PM)LupCheong Wrote:  Edmwer Factuup make police report Liao.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-02-11-18-38-52-523-com-s...rowser.jpg]

This kind of petty religious extremist farker who anyhow abuse police report will end up stirring more animosity towards Islam thus he should be jailed for a long time.
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(11-02-2023, 07:00 PM)lioncityftw Wrote:  This kind of petty religious extremist farker who anyhow abuse police report will end up stirring more animosity towards Islam thus he should be jailed for a long time.

Scully more dirty laundry tio expose out between the mod and the admin

There used to be one here too I think called Aliimran or something like that.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
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As if police bothers about his reports when they got more serious stuff to look at.
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And yes, the police report was on livewings n chief. Because I asked whats the false statemwnt since wiki mentions that prophet did indeed marry a 6 year old

Factup disagrees with wiki, calls it wrong and insist that only what he thinks is correct n lodged police report.
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Sibei boliao edmwer.
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(11-02-2023, 07:26 PM)IndianChief Wrote:  And yes, the police report was on livewings n chief. Because I asked whats the false statemwnt since wiki mentions that prophet did indeed marry a 6 year old

Factup disagrees with wiki, calls it wrong and insist that only what he thinks is correct n lodged police report.

That CB Kia kamsani0 also tio banned already rite? Are they both clones? So many religious siao langs there.
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Neither do I sympathize the forum nor the forum management as they allowed these to go on instead of slapping instant p-ban
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(11-02-2023, 07:10 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  There used to be one here too I think called Aliimran or something like that.

The nick Alimram is a devout Malay Muslim and vigorously defend the Islamic faith.................. Big Grin
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(11-02-2023, 09:11 PM)debono Wrote:  The nick Alimram is a devout Malay Muslim and vigorously defend the Islamic faith.................. Big Grin

Interesting  Clapping

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Cranthir lock the factup thread cause he received a "report"

when will Cranthir stop sucking on factuup's kkj???
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(11-02-2023, 09:16 PM)IndianChief Wrote:  Cranthir lock the factup thread cause he received a "report"

when will Cranthir stop sucking on factuup's kkj???

ya because of one fucking idiot complain in feedback forum that ppl witchhunt factuup

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(11-02-2023, 09:28 PM)noobmaster Wrote:  ya because of one fucking idiot complain in feedback forum that ppl witchhunt factuup


When factup harrassds and demands for ppl to be banned, its perfectly fine. Cranthir will entertain him, Intrinion will say if you got nothing to hide, you got nothing to worry.

When ppl create thread about factup which is not even a witchhunt, cranthir locks the thread saying harassment is not allowed 

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(11-02-2023, 09:51 PM)IndianChief Wrote:  When factup harrassds and demands for ppl to be banned, its perfectly fine. Cranthir will entertain him, Intrinion will say if you got nothing to hide, you got nothing to worry.

When ppl create thread about factup which is not even a witchhunt, cranthir locks the thread saying harassment is not allowed 


Means ChatGPT's reply on forum mods abuse is correct and the mods get butt hurt, dulan, twist and turn their logic and justifications in banning you. Irony is they demand people to be cordial and respect them as mods, yet they selectively issue points for the slightest criticism or find ways and means to do so due to a personal bias.

I think HWZ EDMW needs a complete reboot. CB Kia Dr. Vijay should first be sacked immediately, followed by all guailan current mods who suck Vijay/CECA/Wumao corks, anyhow accuse people of xenophobia and pander to religious extremists.

After reboot, all religious extremists who also like to play the racial victim card should be banned immediately, esp. those who like to trigger-happy make police report. We need to take back an iconic Singapore tech forum, protect locals against FTs, esp. CECAs and give it back to true blue patriotic Singaporeans.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-02-11-103606.jpg]

(11-02-2023, 06:40 PM)LupCheong Wrote:  Edmwer Factuup make police report Liao.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-02-11-18-38-52-523-com-s...rowser.jpg]

see his twitter account latest updates - dun know true or not

(11-02-2023, 09:11 PM)debono Wrote:  The nick Alimram is a devout Malay Muslim and vigorously defend the Islamic faith.................. Big Grin

Aliimran iz a gentleman forummer lah. He liked to challenge Christians abt the veracity of their faith and held many vigorous debates but he was oways civil and neber kpkb abt por mata when put down by others.

(11-02-2023, 07:26 PM)IndianChief Wrote:  And yes, the police report was on livewings n chief. Because I asked whats the false statemwnt since wiki mentions that prophet did indeed marry a 6 year old

Factup disagrees with wiki, calls it wrong and insist that only what he thinks is correct n lodged police report.

check out his latest twitter post, don't know true or not

EDMW so much bullshit drama from its toxic community and useless mods, shut it down sua la. Sinkies don't deserve online social media communities given how toxic, petty, and mob behaviour cyberbullying they like to act. 

looks like they want EDMW to be shut down like the CNA forum. PE, GE coming. lol

(11-02-2023, 11:56 PM)noobmaster Wrote:  see his twitter account latest updates - dun know true or not

Just saw. Will take it as a pinch of salt. Hard to believe that the first thing “wife” would do is post on Twitter in an account which has next to 0 followers. Plus there was no cyber bullying. Atleast not even anything close to what he has done to so many ppl there.

He’s just trying to make Vijay sweat I think


(12-02-2023, 12:52 AM)IndianChief Wrote:  Just saw. Will take it as a pinch of salt. Hard to believe that the first thing “wife” would do is post on Twitter in an account which has next to 0 followers. Plus there was no cyber bullying. Atleast not even anything close to what he has done to so many ppl there.

He’s just trying to make Vijay sweat I think

might be a small possibilty

plus don't think he may do that considering how staunch he is (if i am not wrong suicide is a sin)

(12-02-2023, 12:54 AM)noobmaster Wrote:  might be a small possibilty it was made up so he can come back as another account

plus don't think he may do that considering how staunch he is (if i am not wrong suicide is a sin)

I think it’s a case of police don’t give a fug, imda don’t give a fug, Vijay suddenly dun give a fug

So he knows he got no more leverage and can’t use EdMW mods as his personal attack tools. Since he can’t achieve anything there, now throw stunt to just try to make people feel like he suicide cause of them to make theme feel guilty and panic. He probably already decided beforehand that he won’t post in EdMW anymore after he failed to force Vijay to ban u.

(12-02-2023, 12:58 AM)IndianChief Wrote:  I think it’s a case of police don’t give a fug, imda don’t give a fug, Vijay suddenly dun give a fug

So he knows he got no more leverage and can’t use EdMW mods as his personal attack tools. Since he can’t achieve anything there, now throw stunt to just try to make people feel like he suicide cause of them to make theme feel guilty and panic. He probably already decided beforehand that he won’t post in EdMW anymore after he failed to force Vijay to ban u.

Could it be after his allegations about you, I remember the mod ask him to provide clear prove of his claim about the Quran's stand about Apostasy punishment but he couldn't so end up couldn't take it? 

Such dangerous mentally unstable individual should have been pban a long time ago, and his life couldnt have been saved. Too bad the mods continue to pander to his whims and fancies to end up in such a sorry state.

All his actions is causing people to have more phobia of this religion.
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(12-02-2023, 01:02 AM)lioncityftw Wrote:  Could it be after his allegations about you, I remember the mod ask him to provide clear prove of his claim about the Quran's stand about Apostasy punishment but he couldn't so end up couldn't take it? 

Such dangerous mentally unstable individual should have been pban a long time ago, and his life couldnt have been saved. Too bad the mods continue to pander to his whims and fancies to end up in such a sorry state.

But end of day mod ban me even though I cited wiki as a source while nothing happen to him.
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(12-02-2023, 01:09 AM)IndianChief Wrote:  But end of day mod ban me even though I cited wiki as a source while nothing happen to him.

you should have held on for half a day more, plus cranthir around somemore
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(12-02-2023, 01:09 AM)IndianChief Wrote:  But end of day mod ban me even though I cited wiki as a source while nothing happen to him.

Yes, and I watched the bizzare exchanges between all of you and the mods with total amusement. 

I think even Cranthir also dulan with him already and came out with a CSB rant about busy with prepping the donation to Turkey and can't be bothered with his nonsense, LOL. He knew this fellow is pushing it already to tarnish his own religion, really siao lang.

It's really self-pwn. 自己做的孽, 怨不了别人。
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(12-02-2023, 01:11 AM)noobmaster Wrote:  you should have held on for half a day more, plus cranthir around somemore

I’m sure they already got a legacy post of mine on standby to infract before existing points expires
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