Elon Musk meets Trump..talk about donation..here's why..

Why Elon Musk suddenly contact trump who poo poo and green energy and made fun of EV...and us pro fossil fuel.

There are 2 areas where Trump is aligned with Elon Musk. One is using tariffs to block China imports. Trump proposed 60% tariffs ro kill Chinese imports ...Elon has been urging US and European govt to block Chinese EVs. Second is tax cuts for the richest people. Elon Musk has been circumventing capital gains tax by using his stock as collateral and using this to take loans from the bank to spend. This method is failing for 2 reasons, interest rate has gone up and his stock is falling like a rock. He will soon need to sell stock and pay capital gains tax. He probably wants Trump to help him.

There are words I want to use to describe Elon's character but I will refrain for now.


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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