Ending US supremacy

(04-11-2022, 02:42 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  i learn it from my chinese teachers that chinese is not a one as you think
started long long time ago

you farking pea brain

Your Taiwanese teachers taught you that Ms Tsai's ancestors  are from Pacific Islands ah?   Rotfl

(03-11-2022, 03:20 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Factories r moving out of China becos of COVID.  There were talks about German factory moving out because of energy cost. But energy cost r getting much cheaper now.

German factories because utilities costs multiplied 10 times. 

China costs almost negligible increase. 

The choice is obvious. VW, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Tesla all moved to China or expanded operation.   

Can you tell which are the factories moved out? 



Gas pipeline from Russia got bombed. 

How to get cheaper energy?  

Talk Kock ss. 


(04-11-2022, 02:46 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Your Taiwanese teachers taught you that Ms Tsai's ancestors  are from Pacific Islands ah?   Rotfl

and yes

i also taught me that you are born in the ZOO!

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