Entire industries in Germany could collapse due to Russian natural-gas supply cuts

Huileng Tan 19 hours ago

Entire industries in Germany could collapse due to natural-gas supply cuts from Russia, said Yasmin Fahimi, the country's top union official.


Germany — Europe's largest economy —  is reliant on piped natural gas from Russia, which accounts for 35% of its imports of the fuel. The industrial powerhouse imports almost all of the natural gas it uses, which accounts for about a quarter of the country's total energy mix


The country's energy crisis is already driving inflation to record highs, which threatens social stability, Fahimi told Bild am Sonntag.

Russian state gas giant Gazprom has already cut gas flows to Germany via the key Nord Stream 1 pipeline by 60% from last month, citing an equipment hold-up in Canada as a result of sanctions over the war in Ukraine.

Berlin fears the situation may get worse after the pipeline's scheduled shutdown for maintenance from July 11 to July 21. Germany's economy minister Robert Habeck said last week natural-gas flows may not resume after the scheduled works, which would in turn impact fuel storage ahead of winter, when demand spikes.


Under the country's emergency plan, industry would be first in line for supply cuts. The move could devastate the economy and lead to job losses, Germany business leaders and unions have said.


They have already completed Nord Stream 2

But they don't want to use it!

They just cleaned and grease their backside and let Assmerica fxxk! 

Really DF!

Russia should shut down Nordstream 1 and get Germans to use Nordstream 2.

Ai lai mai sua...


It's a good lesson for Germany never ever trust someone like Putin. He will do whatever he can to inflict war and what ever dependence they have on Putin he used it against them.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(05-07-2022, 09:07 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It's a good lesson for Germany never ever trust someone like Putin. He will do whatever he can to inflict war and what ever dependence they have on Putin he used it against them.

[Image: quote-to-be-an-enemy-of-america-can-be-d...-37-01.jpg]

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The spread of African Swine Fever to Germany's most important pig rearing region has dealt a serious blow to the sector with major markets such as China likely to maintain import bans for years to come, analysts said on Monday (Jul 4).

The outbreak on a farm in Emsland, Lower Saxony is the first in the north-west region where much of Germany's pig sector is concentrated.


Germany records first monthly trade deficit since 1991 as inflation soars

May’s €1bn deficit came as rising prices, falling demand and supply chain disruption hit industrial base

Germany has recorded its first monthly trade deficit since 1991 amid soaring inflation and supply chain disruption weighing on the country’s industrial base.

Figures from the country’s statistics agency showed a surge in the value of imports and modest decline in exports had pushed Europe’s largest economy into a trade deficit of €1bn (£860m) in May.

The monthly deficit was the country’s first since the year after German reunification, according to Bloomberg.

Exports fell in May by 0.5% on the previous month to €125.8bn, while imports increased 2.7% to €126.7bn, more than anticipated by City economists. Compared with the same month a year earlier, exports were up by almost 12%, while the value of imports surged by almost 30%.

German’s dominant manufacturing base has faced disruption from global supply chain problems caused by the pandemic and lockdowns in China. Soaring energy prices and weaker demand for goods is also hitting demand.

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