Woman accused of murdering her husband awaiting extradition to US to face charges

Selina Lum
Senior Law Correspondent

SINGAPORE – A woman who fled the United States after she allegedly instigated her lover to murder her husband is now awaiting extradition from Singapore to face trial.

Saudi Arabia national Fadaak Sahar Osama A. was arrested in a Singapore hotel in September 2022. A formal extradition request from the US was submitted on Nov 22.


She is wanted in the US on two charges – one for first-degree murder and the other for conspiracy to commit first-degree murder against her husband.


Fadaak and her alleged accomplice, Al Obaidi, had a romantic relationship

Full report at: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/c...ce-charges

KNN, sinkies taxpayer still need to feed her in changi

Why escape to SG? She should escape back to Saudi or UAE, which have no extradition treaty with the US.

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