Europeans are worried about World War III.

There is palpable worry and deep distress that the world is moving inexorably towards another Cold War. In fact, some even believe that the Third World War is not too far off. 

One Member of the European Parliament (MEP) whispered into my ear that some rich Europeans are actually relocating to places considered remote but more secure, like Cambodia and Papua New Guinea, buying villas and mansions there.

The Pentagon acknowledged some years ago that on 15 occasions, the world came dangerously close to a nuclear armageddon.

A new Cold War-like situation is again brewing between the new set of rivals — the United States and the People’s Republic of China. With countries like Russia, Iran and China on one side and NATO and Israel on the other, it is now threatening to escalate into a real global war — World War III.

President Xi Jinping, on his part, proclaimed that “China doesn’t want a cold war or a hot war with anyone”.

These sentiments are reassuring. But the situation on the ground is not. Virtually every continent has become a battlefield for big power competition today.

Would Modi 3.0 like to step into the big shoes?

Good that they worry

Then i can sleep well

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