Eurot started trade war with China?

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[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

China Just HIT France Where It HURTS... & France Is SCRAMBLING!

In the past China was “bullied” or had to succumb what the westerners told them to comply due to their weak and/or lack of knowledge with either world financial and technologies back then.
And more importantly the Chinese were unable to afford the high ticket items or luxury goods long ago.

Now that China has gained these knowledges or the buying power as compared before. The Chinese government will use the same westerners method to retaliate back to them the way they handled China long ago.

With the westerners getting the same treatment or medicine as they have imposed China before, they began to “feel” the pain and best of all these westerners conveniently forgotten what they did with China before.
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