
Some european countries have make this legal,    i think our govt shd consider this, well,, if one religious belief forbid it then so be it,

that is not a law, but rather an option for us to choose, so i do not see anything that is gg against other religion, they hv their choice, we have the right
to ours.

Euthanesia reduce our suffering and we need not end our life in a messy way,, a nice and clean and painless way to leave this world.

It is good for our loved one as they will suffer less emotionally and financially, imagine if one illness lasted for months and year in an ICU is gg to cost a bomb.

and the time yr loved one make so many trip to the hospital to visit u on empty hope,,

be real, some illness is beyond us and top doctor,, approve euthanasia as in Switzerland, did not we always said follow the swiss,,

everyone of us have pain before imagine those pain that is 10X more and on a daily basic, day to day,,, even the coward will end up brave enough to jump down from high 

rise buidling,

Let us dies in a nice and painless death.

Since generations when humans and living things trudge this world, birth, life, death have been like that

There will be pain, it can be futile, but that's what living ends with since time immemorial

(12-07-2022, 12:54 AM)victortan Wrote:  Some european countries have make this legal,    i think our govt shd consider this, well,, if one religious belief forbid it then so be it,

that is not a law, but rather an option for us to choose, so i do not see anything that is gg against other religion, they hv their choice, we have the right
to ours.

Euthanesia reduce our suffering and we need not end our life in a messy way,, a nice and clean and painless way to leave this world.

It is good for our loved one as they will suffer less emotionally and financially, imagine if one illness lasted for months and year in an ICU is gg to cost a bomb.

and the time yr loved one make so many trip to the hospital to visit u on empty hope,,

be real, some illness is beyond us and top doctor,, approve euthanasia as in Switzerland, did not we always said follow the swiss,,

everyone of us have pain before imagine those pain that is 10X more and on a daily basic, day to day,,, even the coward will end up brave enough to jump down from high 

rise buidling,

Let us dies in a nice and painless death.

If most people choose euthanasia then hospitals will earn less liao. Those doctors won't allow it wan.

Many faiths and religions also frown on it.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(12-07-2022, 12:54 AM)victortan Wrote:  Some european countries have make this legal,    i think our govt shd consider this, well,, if one religious belief forbid it then so be it,

that is not a law, but rather an option for us to choose, so i do not see anything that is gg against other religion, they hv their choice, we have the right
to ours.

Euthanesia reduce our suffering and we need not end our life in a messy way,, a nice and clean and painless way to leave this world.

It is good for our loved one as they will suffer less emotionally and financially, imagine if one illness lasted for months and year in an ICU is gg to cost a bomb.

and the time yr loved one make so many trip to the hospital to visit u on empty hope,,

be real, some illness is beyond us and top doctor,, approve euthanasia as in Switzerland, did not we always said follow the swiss,,

everyone of us have pain before imagine those pain that is 10X more and on a daily basic, day to day,,, even the coward will end up brave enough to jump down from high 

rise buidling,

Let us dies in a nice and painless death.

Agreed. But there must be guidelines otherwise it will be abused.

We have AMD which is the closest thing to euthanasia.

(12-07-2022, 10:25 AM)RichDad Wrote:  Agreed. But there must be guidelines otherwise it will be abused.

We have AMD which is the closest thing to euthanasia.

AMD is so not the same as euthanasia

(12-07-2022, 10:26 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  AMD is so not the same as euthanasia

I said close not same.

(12-07-2022, 10:27 AM)RichDad Wrote:  I said close not same.

Not even close

Euthanasia is legalised suicide

Sure die one

AMD is instruction not to do certain things to prolong the terminal illness

Not to put on life support if the case arises

But pain is pain, mercy killing is not allowed in Sinkliaopoor, contrary to some who believe

When dying is the better option, there is no other way besides suicide

But even suicide is illegal in Sinkliaopoor, for what ever reasons

So is mercy killing, it is illegal

(12-07-2022, 10:29 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Not even close

Anything closer in SG?

(12-07-2022, 10:35 AM)RichDad Wrote:  Anything closer in SG?

Yes, like the maid who assisted her employer to buy charcoal and helped to light them up and sealed the room

Because the employer has a stroke and decided to end it all

You have to do it yourself

Or drink poison

AMD is not even about ending life. It is about not prolonging life

Very different

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