Every 10 minutes a child dies in Gaza

The death statistics are confirmed by Jason Lee of the Palestinian branch of the British charity, which helps children in need around the world.

Speaking to the BBC from Jerusalem, he said that of the 20,000 civilians injured, one in three of them was a child.

In addition, he did not fail to mention that the trucks carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza are a "drop in the ocean."


Don't worry WW2 Hitler gassed millions of Jews but also cannot wipe them all out. This time Palestine child die every 10 mins don't think the entire children population of Palestine will be wiped out. G*d will help them to live and to seek vengeance on Israeli Jews when they grow up. Do to the Israeli children what they do to you when you are a child. Seek and destroy like what they did to you. Always remember and nurse this grudge don't let the Israeli get away with it. Let their offspring pay for the debts of their fathers.

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