What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know

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Most of these weapons will end up in black market, some will fall to Russian hands.

(14-04-2022, 12:04 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia carrier sink, naval almost gone yet comie dogs here bark ukraine army lost & surrender, totally shameless lies, norm, these dogs posts almost 100% lies in all their posts & thread title to con or brainwash brainless here 7-24 using their communist source of lies & BS videos & news.

「俄國黑海艦隊旗艦“莫斯科”號導彈驅逐艦:起火爆炸沈沒」Shitao TV - No.09(13/04/22)拜登再捐給澤倫斯基$8億美元

as above, from the result, of course whole world know.

as above, Ukraine army is not fighting only for their country & people, they are fighting for the world of freedom & right against the dictatorship of china & russia. Ton of west country send their weapons & army to Ukraine to fight the evil devil russia.
Ukraine is doing well.



(20-04-2022, 01:54 PM)kokee Wrote:  as above, from the result, of course whole world know.

as above, Ukraine army is not fighting only for their country & people, they are fighting for the world of freedom & right against the dictatorship of china & russia. Ton of west country send their weapons & army to Ukraine to fight the evil devil russia.
Ukraine is doing well.


Ya, everyone knows USA sells the weapons to Russia. Ukraine got $$$ meh? Laughing
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草船借錢 ! 歐美援烏彈藥 消耗過快 庫存快見底 實情係 烏方倒賣給敵人 無本生利 / 格仔 郭政彤 大眼
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The sales matters, salesman don't account for anything beyond the sales...

(20-04-2022, 01:50 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Most of these weapons will end up in black market, some will fall to Russian hands.

just like where the weapons stockpiled on Okinawa disappeared to in 1945.................supposedly to be used in invasion of Japan.................

these weapons were later used by the Nth Koreans in Korean War................and by the Viets when they revolted against the French.............

America is controlled by the Jews...............

(21-04-2022, 09:58 AM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote:  just like where the weapons stockpiled on Okinawa disappeared to in 1945.................supposedly to be used in invasion of Japan.................

these weapons were later used by the Nth Koreans in Korean War................and by the Viets when they revolted against the French.............

America is controlled by the Jews...............

Military industry complex in the west is very powderful and despicable money making machine.

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