Explain how Biulding 7 collapsed on its own footprint

[Image: ne2lxqU.png]

It is not hit by any planes and is across the street from the 2 WTC Towers

*Inside Job*


According to Dr Judy Woods, it was not Controlled Demolition, but DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) that was used to bring down WTC Tower 1 and 2 as well as this Building 7.

This is an inside job, but the technology used is out of this world

So, the Illuminati has in its possession technology that even the US Military Industrial Complex does not have

The Beast is among us now


Building 7 was damaged by debris from the collapse of the towers and there were fires in the building

The building collapsed with seconds a few hours after the initial damage.

I don't see any good explanation how this is possible. Because damage to the building is not uniform if there is a collapse.it would be partial with some parts still  intact.

No fire has caused a building to collapse before. 

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Latest news about Dr. Judy Woods:

Dr. Judy Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering who has been investigating the 9/11 attacks since 2001. She is the author of the book "Where Did the Towers Go?", which argues that the Twin Towers were brought down by directed energy weapons.
Dr. Wood has been criticized by some for her theories, but she has also been praised by others for her research. She has appeared on numerous television shows and podcasts to discuss her work.
In 2018, Dr. Wood filed a lawsuit against the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), alleging that the agency's investigation into the 9/11 attacks was flawed. The lawsuit is still pending.
Dr. Wood continues to investigate the 9/11 attacks and to speak out about her findings. She is a vocal critic of the official story of the attacks and believes that the public deserves to know the truth.
Here are some additional details about Dr. Wood's latest activities:

In February 2023, Dr. Wood gave a presentation at the 9/11 Truth Conference in San Francisco. In her presentation, she discussed her findings about the use of directed energy weapons on 9/11.
In March 2023, Dr. Wood was interviewed by the BBC about her work on the 9/11 attacks. In the interview, she discussed her belief that the attacks were not the work of terrorists, but were instead carried out by a government agency.
In April 2023, Dr. Wood published a new book, "The Towers Were Not Brought Down by Airplanes". In the book, she presents her evidence that the Twin Towers were brought down by directed energy weapons.
Dr. Wood is a controversial figure, but she is also a respected researcher. Her work on the 9/11 attacks has been praised by some and criticized by others, but she remains committed to finding the truth about what happened on that day.
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cannon behind horse.


before the attack

it has be there for decades and NOT collaspe!

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