Explanation for proposed law against foreign interference introduced in Parliament

Foreign interference poses a serious threat to Singapore’s political sovereignty and national security, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said.

“During a hostile information campaign, hostile foreign actors can seek to mislead Singaporeans on political issues, stir up dissent and disharmony by playing up controversial issues such as race and religion, or seek to undermine confidence and trust in public institutions,” it said.

For example, when Singapore faced bilateral issues with “another country” in late 2018 and 2019, there was an “abnormal spike” in online comments critical of Singapore on social media, the ministry said.

“These posts, made by anonymous accounts, sought to create an artificial impression of opposition to Singapore’s positions.”

The Government has considered laws against foreign interference from as early as February 2019, when then-Senior Minister of State for Law Edwin Tong referred Parliament to findings from the 2018 Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods, which said that foreign state-linked disinformation efforts were likely already occurring in Singapore.

"The Select Committee had recommended that the Government consider measures to address both deliberate online falsehoods and also state-sponsored campaigns that threaten our national security,” Mr Tong said.

The Select Committee findings also led to the enactment of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA), which Parliament passed in May 2019.

The regulatory measures in POFMA are comparable to those in the proposed Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act, with similar methods of application and appeal. More than 70 POFMA orders have been issued since the law kicked in in October 2019.

MHA said there have been many instances in recent years where entities used social media and communications technologies to mount hostile information campaigns against other countries.

“These covert, coordinated and sophisticated online activities seek to advance the interests of the attacking country, for example by manipulating public opinion in the target country on domestic political issues, subverting its democratic institutions, polarising society, or influencing the outcome of domestic elections,” the ministry said.

For instance, the US intelligence community found that ahead of the 2020 US Presidential Elections, foreign actors established troll farms to amplify controversial domestic issues, and sought to promote or run down certain candidates.

There were also influence campaigns to discredit the US government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and spread skepticism of Western-developed vaccines.

Other countries that have introduced laws against foreign interference include India and France. The latter’s Information Manipulation Law allows a judge to issue a directive to platforms within 48 hours to remove or block content, or de-reference it from search engines.

MHA said Singapore’s proposed law will strengthen its ability to counter foreign interference, and ensure that “Singaporeans continue to make our own choices on how we should govern our country and live our lives”.

Much more at: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapor...ia-2173756

So again same as POFMA? Minister decide?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

by the time sham read out everything
you still see stars

PAP is targeting the educated and versatile avid readers like me, lah.

When I say they copy from UK the skills future, copy from Japan the CHAS card concept, the Germany Tech education system, HK que up to enter trains, USA Jobsbank . . . they not happy and will say I am under Foreign Influence, lor.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

I feel is indirectly aim SDP

(14-09-2021, 01:20 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  I feel is indirectly aim SDP

My take is thus POFMA already handle Falsehoods....law is already there to get rid of things that is "untrue".

So this law aim at what? It target the truth that is seen as interference......so it is battle for what truth they want  you  to see. Just like Sinovax vaccine vs Pfizer.

I tend to see this as an "anti foreign propaganda"  law made by a govt that also depends alot on propaganda to control the people.

This is same fear that drove China leaders to cut country off from US apps like FB, YouTube and Google....so it can have monopoly on propaganda.

Basically this is what the PAP is aiming for.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(14-09-2021, 01:19 PM)Ola Wrote:  PAP is targeting the educated and versatile avid readers like me, lah.

When I say they copy from UK the skills future, copy from Japan the CHAS card concept, the Germany Tech education system, HK que up to enter trains, USA Jobsbank . . . they not happy and will say I am under Foreign Influence, lor.

I not helicated and no speeking engrish. Gotch applicable too?

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(14-09-2021, 01:24 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  My take is thus POFMA already handle Falsehoods....law is already there to get rid of things that is "untrue".

So this law aim at what? It target the truth that is seen as interference......so it is battle for what truth they want  you  to see. Just like Sinovax vaccine vs Pfizer.

I tend to see this as an "anti foreign propaganda"  law made by a govt that also depends alot on propaganda to control the people.

This is same fear that drove China leaders to cut country off from US apps like FB, YouTube and Google....so it can have monopoly on propaganda.

Basically this is what the PAP is aiming for.

Remember yesterday they claim what must declare the money reach certain amount from so call sponsor, backing.
All along SDP we know Dr Chee got support from oversea beside locals.

(14-09-2021, 01:40 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Remember yesterday they claim what must declare the money reach certain amount from so call sponsor, backing.
All along SDP we know Dr Chee got support from oversea beside locals.

It's interesting you mention Chee because many pro PAP will cast aspersions as to where he got money from and whether is he foreign agent etc.

As a strategy, authoritarian govt cut off earnings of person who oppose them, ...his rice bowl taken away to make them financially desperate. e.g. Chee was sacked from NUS and Roy  Ngerng sacked from his work. Local companies then black list these people so they cannot find work. As a result they have to work for foreign companies and govt will then start accusing them of being foreign funded and foreign influenced.

This is simple tactic used by this type of govt that does not tolerate opposing view.

The thing is Roy Ngerng and Chee were opposing the govt and criticising it openly long all along and nothing to do with foreign funds....

This tactic just move you so there is another line of attack against opponent and way to smear.

More recently is the TOC site. Which was accused of hiring Malaysian writers and likely to be shutdown for refusing to release donor information...again foreign influence us insinuated.

The "foreign boogeyman" is a standard smear tactics used by authoritarian govt to smear local opposition. Ang Sang Suu Ki was married to English man and was attacked as foreign agent by the military regime....

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Yes, to protect our extremely fragile tiny puny island, we must b a few steps ahead to ward off potential threats like afganistan , mat hatter, suguno talaban wannabes n western exttemists like sorrows loaded with billions to subvert n overthrow legitimate regimes..this is their full time jobs n employed PHDs to attack aby weakesses in our system

We r facing not only internal potential sabotagers, terrorists  extremists  corrupted traitors but oitside satans, devils who only sow evils ..

Just came to know , u dont believe it...this Ja muslim is a pious  mooslim! .

We need to check thoroughly their backgrounds , most likely r trojan horses out to destroy this delicate precious gem , taiwanese , mudlands insulting us with peesai n red dot, tiny nut.etcc 
Those oppositions must never have a fixed rigid mindset ...saying...there r no permanant friends or permanent enemies...all prata kings queens r mostly v dirty evil one...they become prata actors actreeses all for only selfish reasons ie, to enrich themselves n to protect their thrones...even to the extent of killing innocent mongolian gal , pastors, opposition figs withoit any trace or mercy..

To go a step further  , those proven traitors, sabotages in trojan horses , terrorist wannabes , satans , evils in our midst shd b hanged executed at once.

U mention dr phd cheese...ordinary folks all know his history  as a cheat , sabotager, traitor, forked tongue talker etc ...his name stinks ...where ever he stands for erection , he will b rejected by all n sundry except those stupid loyal supporters with a fixed mindset without realising dat there r no such thingy ad permanant friends or oermanent enemies in dirty politics.

Pls lah   no point to justify his goodness when he received foreign monies n talked bad about our tiny puny island...he is v lucky dat he's still around...in mudland n elsewhere he wud have vanished into thin air...

Must know his luck! N never tempt yr luck as karma, retruibution , yin yang forces will take over him...all up to heavens to judge..

(14-09-2021, 02:15 PM)Yin yang Wrote:  Yes, to protect our extremely fragile tiny puny island, we must b a few steps ahead to ward off potential threats like afganistan , mat hatter, suguno talaban wannabes n western exttemists like sorrows loaded with billions to subvert n overthrow legitimate regimes..this is their full time jobs n employed PHDs to attack aby weakesses in our system

We r facing not only internal potential sabotagers, terrorists  extremists  corrupted traitors but oitside satans, devils who only sow evils ..

Just came to know , u dont believe it...this Ja muslim is a pious  mooslim! .

We need to check thoroughly their backgrounds , most likely r trojan horses out to destroy this delicate precious gem , taiwanese , mudlands insulting us with peesai n red dot, tiny nut.etcc 
Those oppositions must never have a fixed rigid mindset ...saying...there r no permanant friends or permanent enemies...all prata kings queens r mostly v dirty evil one...they become prata actors actreeses all for only selfish reasons ie, to enrich themselves n to protect their thrones...even to the extent of killing innocent mongolian gal , pastors, opposition figs withoit any trace or mercy..

To go a step further  , those proven traitors, sabotages in trojan horses , terrorist wannabes , satans , evils in our midst shd b hanged executed at once.

So to the PAP....are the 44% of Singaporeans who voted opposition at last election a security threat......they are foreign influenced to destabilise Singapore?

The paranoia  rabbit hole is very deep ....even a debate on CECA now has to bringvung in issues of racism which suddenly  become a problem requiring new laws. Now "foreign interference" also is another threat. Later on what else?

The main threat to the PAP is its own inability to do the job  well to win the people over. 

If I ask you if this leadership has a vision to improve the lives of Singaporeans and in what way ...Singaporeans not be able to answer.....that's what's wrong.

All this POFMA, Foreign Interference, anti racism laws is not going to help one bit with our key problems of income inequality, rising poverty, poor job opportunities, job insecurity...and world's lowest fertility rate.

It's govt that cannot solve the people's problems that always goes around blaming on external threats....

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


Pls ask yrself, u love foreign interference in our affairs.

U r really a due hard inflexible chap , full of hate n revenge just cos u were sacked for going against the hands dat feed u...

We call these ungrateful traitors going all out to destroy this tiny puny fragile muti racial religious island..come on , we r not a homogenious pop unlike taiwan , Hk with 90% chinese known for their extremely hard work etiquette , v resourcful fiercely independent race...totally like some of our v lazy people , can work but refuse or too choosy to work..n billions of our tax payers hard earned $$$ go to feed them via freebies  free vouchers , solid cash distributed to them to keep them happy...otherwise they will demand for this n dat...n some may already in cahhoots with extremists in our neighbourhood to strike when time is right...  these lazy people wud claim they r being bullied discriminated by majority...
These extremist fundamentalists have great patience, all along saying dat this once rhio melay archipelogo is on lease , waiting to b taken back..

N yet there r really nincoopoohs in our midst who intentionally unintentionally welcome them to take back n revert to the original fishing village ...these fools have so revengeful...heavens also cannot stand for time n again violanting the natural yin yang balance forces....going extremes will never have a good ending

I know you don't understand Nicholas is buiding to satisfy a deal with the Talibon.

Where got everything good, no country is a perfect countty..

Of course if u wznt to nit pick  , there r apenty....like tgis, no place on earth is good for u...if u tink u can do better , pls pls stand for erection n never ever throw stones at glass windows to seek revenge n to rekease yr deep seated hatred for the place u live in ...talk is essy n cheap..

I have been to all cornersnof the world...even north korea...must tell u the truth but the real truth hurts esp those who love fakes n lies n with a unforgivable grudge 

This tiny dot is still , even with this pandemic, the best country for asians with a chinese face to b born  live , work, play, raise
their families n the best place to die with min pain syffering with world class meducal facilities a stone throw away....

now u know why our property prices keep going up ? Most of our PRs, foreign residents etc longing to b our citizens n enjoy our peace  security , their assets , raise their loved ones etc
Our govt not stupid one...to become a citizen, u must b an.asset n loyal to us ....first step  , mandatory to have a permanent property in.yr name.

Dont believe me , go to any angmo or mud place, i can guarantee u dat u will regret till the day u perish.

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