F&B owner: whatever happened to endemic living?

5. Given many F&B establishments have folded since COVID-19 struck, how are you holding up thus far? Might you comment on whether the continuously vacillating governmental restrictions have affected your business operations? What do you reckon the government could have done better?

Indeed folks in the F&B industry have bled plenty; we personally knew of friends whose businesses went belly up, their years of efforts and investments flushed down the drain just like that. Probably because we are relatively new and doing everything by ourselves (hence saving on manpower costs), we are still able to get by rather decently….for now. Support from regular customers, as well as understanding family members helped keep us sane, nonetheless we pray for the light at the end of the tunnel to arrive sooner than later. 

Regarding the ever-changing legislation often churned out at the eleventh hour about what is and isn’t allowed, we ask: whatever happened to endemic living as so loudly touted by various ministers? Why the about-turn insofar as opening up is concerned given a high vaccination rate already being attained across almost all demographic groups?

More at https://www.bannedsite.com/post/6-questi...-triple-dc
In hindsight, instead of simply throwing a cookie-cutter lifeline resulting in an oft disproportionate distribution of financial aid (some needing it more than others, yet they receive the same as everyone else), governmental reliefs could be funnelled directly toward enterprises based on size and circumstance. This isn’t to say we aren’t grateful for the rental support accorded during these trying times, because they did go some way in enabling us to breathe easier.

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