FBI局長:中共實施網攻 大規模行騙盜竊

this thief, whole world know, whether is technology or data or anything.
china dont invent or innovate any modern technology, huawei or tencent or alibaba or xiaomi or all china IT or any company, copy cat, reversed engineering or steal or grab or buy.
shamelessly, using money or woman. 

FBI局長:中共實施網攻 大規模行騙盜竊


this is how china steal technology & data.
If their govt do all the evil & bad things, china people still keep quiet or support or accept, then they deserve it.
China support russia in Ukraine invasion, china & russia drill in taiwan straits, support Iran & NK to have or use nukes to threaten world peace, WTO or WHO, violate rule or covid, steal technology or rob or grab.
we have discuss a lot on dictatorship propaganda, no truth & fact, lies to brainwash, censored to all slavery.



whatever, china economy is collapsing, whole world is isolating china today.
thing can only get worse from here, plus covid & political fight inside china.



FBI is serving Kokee's beloved Falun Gong Cult?  Thinking  Rotfl

assmarrycunt IT so lousy, systems can be easily broken into and data stolen? really more lan yong

comie dogs here is totally shameless.
why china steal so easily? because the west trust china initially will not do all these dirty, no integrity & shameless things but china not only did, lies, con, cheat, whatever dirty & evil things, just doit.
now, no one will trust china anymore after these 20 yrs in WTO & world trade.
still got morons here believe all these comie dogs here after kena brainwash 20x? real brainless, a wise gut will never kena con by same person twice.



falong gong dogs so smart, din help assmarrycunt daddy?

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