Americunts so call liberated cheo kau peng

Here is a quick time-line on U.S lead invasions and interventions.

1840 - invasion of Fiji.

1841 - genocide on the island of Upolu (Drummond).

1843 - invasion of China.

1846-1848 war with Mexico.

1846 - aggression against the New Granada (Colombia).

1849 - shelling of Indochina.

1852 - invasion of Argentina.

1853-1856 - invasion of China.

1853 - invasion of Argentina and Nicaragua.

1854 - the destruction of the Nicaraguan city of San Juan del Norte.

1854 - an attempt to capture the Hawaiian Islands.

1855 - invasion and coup in Nicaragua.

1855 - invasion of Fiji and Uruguay.

1856 - invasion of Panama.

1858 - intervention in Fiji, genocide.

1858 - invasion of Uruguay.

1859 - attack on the Chinese forts of Taku.

1859 - invasion of Angola.

1860 - invasion of Panama.

1863 - punitive expedition to Shimonoseki (Japan).

1864 - military expedition to Japan.

1865 - intervention of Panama, coup d'état.

1866 - an attack on Mexico.

1866 - punitive expedition to China.

1867 - attack on the Midway Islands.

1868 - repeated invasion of Japan.

1868 - invasion of Uruguay and Colombia.

1874 - the entry of troops into China and Hawaii.

1876 - invasion of Mexico.

1878 - attack on Samoa.

1882 - the entry of troops into Egypt.

1888 - an attack on Korea.

1889 - punitive expedition to Hawaii.

1890 - the introduction of troops in Haiti.

1890 - the introduction of troops into Argentina.

1891 - intervention in Chile.

1891 - punitive expedition to Haiti.

1893 - the introduction of troops into Hawaii, the invasion of China.

1894 - intervention in Nicaragua.

1894-1896 - invasion of Korea.

1894-1895 - the war in China.

1895 - invasion of Panama.

1896 - the invasion of Nicaragua.

1898 - the capture of the Philippines, genocide (600,000 Filipinos).

1898 - invasion of the port of San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua).

1898 - the capture of the Hawaiian Islands.

1899-1901 - war with the Philippines.

1899 - invasion of the Nicaraguan port of Bluefields.

1901 - the entry of troops into Colombia.

1902 - invasion of Panama.

1903 - the entry of troops into Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Syria.

1904 - the entry of troops into Korea, Morocco.

1904-1905 - intervention in the Russo-Japanese War.

1905 - intervention in the revolution in Honduras.

1905 - the entry of troops to Mexico.

1905 - the entry of troops into Korea.

1906 - invasion of the Philippines.

1906-1909 - invasion of Cuba.

1907 - operations in Nicaragua.

1907 - intervention in the revolution in the Dominican Republic.

1907 - participation in the war of Honduras with Nicaragua.

1908 - invasion of Panama.

1910 - invasion of Bluefields and Corintho (Nicaragua).

1911 - intervention in Honduras.

1911 - genocide in the Philippines.

1911 - the introduction of troops into China.

1912 - the capture of Havana (Cuba).

1912 - intervention in Panama during the elections.

1912 - invasion of Honduras.

1912-1933 - the occupation of Nicaragua.

1914 - intervention in the Dominican Republic.

1914-1918 - a series of incursions into Mexico.

1914-1934 - the occupation of Haiti.

1916-1924 - occupation of the Dominican Republic.

1917-1933 - the occupation of Cuba.

1918-1922 - occupation of the Russian Far East.

1918-1920 - the introduction of troops into Panama.

1919 - landing of troops in Costa Rica.

1919 - war against the Serbs in Dalmatia on the side of Italy.

1919 - intervention in Honduras during the elections.

1920 - intervention in Guatemala.

1922 - intervention in Turkey.

1922-1927 - intervention in China.

1924-1925 - invasion of Honduras.

1925 - military operations in Panama.

1926 - the invasion of Nicaragua.

1927-1934 - the military intervention in China.

1932 - the invasion of El Salvador.

1936 - intervention in Spain.

1937 - war with Japan.

1937 - intervention in Nicaragua, state coup.

1939 - the introduction of troops in China.

1941-1945 - the genocide of the civilian population of Germany (Dresden, Hamburg).

1945 - Firebombing of Tokyo. Operation "meetinghouse", more than 100 000 civilians died, 1 millions injured and 1 millions homeless.

1945 - nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. In both cities around 200 000 civilians died.

1946 - punitive operations in Yugoslavia.

1946-1949 - the bombing of China.

1947-1948 - Reconciliation of Vietnam, genocide.

1947-1949 - military operations in Greece.

1948-1953 - military operations in the Philippines.

1948 - military coup in Peru.

1948 - military coup in Nicaragua.

1948 - military coup in Costa Rica.

1949-1953 - attempts to overthrow the government in Albania.

1950 - punitive operations in Puerto Rico.

1950-1953 - intervention in Korea.

1951 - military assistance to Chinese rebels.

1953-1964 - security operations in British Guyana.

1953 - the overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran who received democratically 99.9% of the vote in the referendum.

1953 - Forcible deportation of the Inuit (Greenland).

1954 - Overthrow of the government in Guatemala.

1956 - the beginning of military assistance to Tibetan insurgents in the fight against China.

1957-1958 - an attempt to overthrow the government in Indonesia.

1958 - the occupation of Lebanon.

1958 - bombing of Indonesia.

1959 - the entry of troops into Laos.

1959 - punitive operations in Haiti.

1960 - military operations in Ecuador.

1960 - invasion of Guatemala.

1960 - Support for a military coup in El Salvador.

1960-1965 - interference in the internal affairs of the Congo. Support Mobutu.

1961-1964 - a military coup in Brazil.

1961 - a terrorist war against Cuba using bacteriological weapons.

1962 - punitive operations in Guatemala.

1963-1966 - coup d'état and punitive operations in the Dominican Republic.

1964 - punitive operation in Panama.

1964 - support for the coup in Brazil.

1964-1974 - interference in the internal affairs of Greece.

1965 - a coup d'état in Indonesia, genocide.

1965-1973 - aggression against Vietnam and use of Agent Orange.

1966 - intervention in Guatemala.

1967 - Support for the coup and subsequent fascist regime in Greece.

1968 - hunting for Che Guevara in Bolivia.

1971-1973 - the bombing of Laos.

1971 - US military hostility towards India.

1971 - American military assistance in the coup in Bolivia.

1972 - the entry of troops into Nicaragua.

1973 - coup in Chile.

1973 - terror in Uruguay.

1974 - Support for the regime of Moboth in Zaire.

1974 - preparation of aggression in Portugal.

1974 - attempted coup in Cyprus.

1975 - the occupation of Western Sahara, the introduction of troops in Morocco.

1975 - interference in the internal affairs of Australia.

1975 - an attack on Cambodia.

1975-1989 - Support for the genocide in East Timor.

1978 - military assistance to the dictator, financing of the genocide.

1979 - Support for the cannibal Bocas.

1979 - military assistance to the rebels of Yemen.

1980-1992 - military presence in El Salvador, special operations, genocide.

1980-1990 - military assistance to Iraq. A million dead in ten years.

1980 - support and funding of the Khmer Rouge.

1980 - operation "Gladio" in Italy, 86 victims.

1980 - punitive operation in South Korea.

1981 - attempted coup in Zambia.

1981 - military pressure on Libya, downed two Libyan aircraft.

1981-1990 - Contra support, terrorism, genocide.

1982 - interference in the internal affairs of Suriname.

1982-1983 - attack on Lebanon.

1982 - Support for the genocide in Guatemala.

1983 - intervention in Grenada.

1983 - interference in the internal affairs of Angola.

1984 - two Iranian planes were shot down.

1984 - mining of the bays of Nicaragua.

1985 - financing of the genocide in Chad.

1986 - The coup against Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines. (see below 2002 - Michael Meiring, CIA terrorist trainer, got himself bombed in Davao City.)

1986 - an attack on Libya.

1986-1987 - attack on an Iranian ship in international waters, the destruction of the Iranian oil platform.

1986 - financing and military support of social terror, seizure of natural resources.

1987-1988 - participation in the Iraq war against Iran, the use of chemical weapons.

1988 - financing of terror and genocide in Turkey.

1988 - the explosion of a passenger plane "Pan American" over Scotland. The wine was recognized in 2003.

1988 - invasion of Honduras.

1988 - the destruction of the Iranian passenger aircraft.

1989 - intervention in Panama (again for the 11th, ELEVENTH time!)

1989 - two Libyan planes were shot down.

1989 - bombing in the Philippines.

1989 - involvement by CIA in Tiananmen square massacre.

1989 - punitive operation on the Virgin Islands.

1990 - the genocide in Guatemala.

1990 - Iraq's naval blockade.

1990 - financing of the Bulgarian opposition ($ 1.5 million)

1991 - aggression against Iraq.

1991 - the bombing of Kuwait.

1992-1994 - the occupation of Somalia.

1992 - genocide and terror in the capture of the natural resources of Angola (destroyed 650,000 people).

1993-1995 - the bombing of Bosnia.

1994-1996 - terror against Iraq.

1994 - genocide in Rwanda (about 800,000 people).

1995 - the bombing of Croatia.

1998 - the destruction of a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan by a missile strike.

1998 - the bombing of Iraq.

1999 - aggression against Yugoslavia.

2001 - invasion of Afghanistan. CIA increased the opium production 9000 times from 2001 until 2017!

2002 - the entry of troops into the Philippines.

2003 - actions in Liberia.

2003 - clashes with Syrian border guards.

2003 - invasion of Iraq. Removal of Saddam Hussein.

2004 - the entry of troops into Haiti.

2004 - Attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea.

2005 - the military intervention in Paraguay.

2008 - the military intervention in Pakistan.

2008 - The war in South Ossetia in Georgia.

2009 - The overthrow of the democratically elected Manuel Zeyala Rosales in Honduras.

2011 - The war in Libya.

2013 - The war in Syria.

2014 - The War in Ukraine.

2019 - The coup attempt in Venezuela?

2019 - The immature aggression towards Iran.

100 Years of U.S. Meddling

Our AMTK ball suckers and cok lickers can't see lah!  Laughing
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kokee, any comment?

2019 hk riot
2019 FD virus

Kokee Falun Gong gangs all quiet hor
Amercunts very evil hor

strangely most kena attacked bombed colonized later became their lapdogs.

Pinocchio is a gd example

(11-03-2022, 04:37 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  strangely most kena attacked bombed colonized later became their lapdogs.

Because they send in US trained dogs to be leaders!

In Ukraine, man Americans citizens went to Ukraine to become ministers etc., then given Ukraine citizenship.

This Thai PM : (Got British citizenship!)

[Image: Abesit-Democrats-400x240.jpg]

Kokee and Gaffaw see liao cum dripping.🤣🤣🤣

Amercunts the big bully
And very evil hor

Amercunts and Falun Gong goon the bastard hor

(11-03-2022, 05:10 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Kokee and Gaffaw see liao cum dripping.🤣🤣🤣

How come no sound from both of them?  Thinking

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