Half of NHS England staff facing the sack under plans to give hospitals more power

Charles Hymas
Mon, 21 November 2022 at 6:12 am


Ministers want to slash the budget for NHS England’s 6,500 bureaucrats by as much as half and to cut central targets to free up hospitals to decide how they meet the needs of patients in their areas.


Mr Barclay told the BBC’s Sunday with Laura  Kunessberg that the Department of Health had 50,000 employees in quangos and arms’ length bodies costing the taxpayer £2.8 billion. “That’s over 50,000 people that aren’t in directly patient-facing roles, so I think there’s opportunities in terms of merging those,” he said.


NHS England ...... was employing 430 bureaucrats on over £100,000 each a year, of which a quarter were on at least £150,000. Forty-five earned more than the Prime Minister’s £164,000.


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