Filipinos want military action to resolve sea row

Want to fight?
Got might or not?
If kena blue black go to US and beg. 
The ones who really suffer will be the people. 
Doomsday ahead if they choose war.

Marcos is dragging the unwilling US into a unwelcome war.

I don't think they have a choice if they want to protect their maritime rights in that area.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(09-05-2024, 08:50 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I don't think they have a choice if they want to protect their maritime rights in that area.
... like Ukraine???!!! Now who suffered!!!!???? 

So many talk cock as long as it doesn’t happened in their backyards!!!!???

Talk is cheap - try doing a Zelenskyy stunt! If the entire might of US & NATO can't even defeat Russia - you mean Philippines can take on China!!!!! Please la wake up your your idea and stop fantasising half past six pretentious fake concerns for the pinoys!!!!

(09-05-2024, 08:50 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I don't think they have a choice if they want to protect their maritime rights in that area.
China has historical evidence to back up long before Philippines was independent.   

If Philippines was not even a sovereign nation, what right has it?   


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