Foreign Affairs Expert : To destroy Russia is to encourage it to invade Ukraine

This is a lecture from 6yrs ago.
The lecture gives the Russian perspective of things ...threat of Nato expansion westwards, unacceptable Western moves etc.

Midway through he tries to explain how the best way to destroy Russian power is to encourage it to invade Ukraine.


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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In case we haven't realised it yet, this has morphed into an energy/financial war of unprecedented GLOBAL proportions

The goal is to regime change Russia thru gynormous crippling sanctions. But the unintended blowback could be regime changes elsewhere caught unprepared by the ripples.

The world under Biden is the worst in last 20yrs. I doubt America leadership. Troublemaker.... Country

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(28-02-2022, 11:18 AM)kokee Wrote:  Now I am almost 100% sure, Xi & china has totally balless to attack taiwan anymore after looking at Russia in such shit today.
Xi & china all the time is balless, use mouth only all the time, useless.
With global sanction, freeze & confiscate asset, military support plus Russia lost till pantless now, china is worse than chow ah qua now,if India or japan got balls, easily take down china now.
With this war, Japan want to have nuke now, china panic liao, globally must support to nuke Japan.
Ukraine & Ukraine people use their blood to guarantee china has 100% balless to attack taiwan now.



all these moronic commie dogs here, bark lies & nonsense 7/24 here, everyday bark china to attack taiwan.
now 100% confirmed china is totally balless to touch taiwan now.
china support russia Ukraine invasion, now dare not even say it as a man, keep quiet worse than timid cat.
all these commie dogs here will continue to bark lies like nothing happen, russia & china still win the world lies, they will never ever stop lies till china dissolve? RMB crash like ruble?
china will not fight not because they love peace is they cannot fight, only use mouth forever.
all these commie liars here, speechless, all know who they are.

中共改口稱撤僑難執行 滯烏華人被迫裝日本人保命

中共改口稱撤僑難執行 滯烏華人被迫裝日本人保命



(28-02-2022, 09:02 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This is a lecture from 6yrs ago.
The lecture gives the Russian perspective of things ...threat of Nato expansion westwards, unacceptable Western moves etc.

Midway through he tries to explain how the best way to destroy Russian power is to encourage it to invade Ukraine.


Threat of NATO expansion eastward lah. You don't know your chiak kopi?
[+] 1 user Likes RichDad's post

Experts salah
Russians in Ukraine asked for help.
They r being murdered.
U must be abled to link what happening in Canada

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-28-13-15-55.png]

and link all the way to the Vatican and UN.
Trudeau is son of Fidel Castro.
Klaus schwab who wrote the Great reset is also the Godfather of Singapore
opening a can of worms for the island state more inline with AU/NZ class.

Dat donkey got trapped

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-28-12-55-07.png]
Putin knew this in 2019
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-28-13-09-21.png]
Klaus schwab was fuming mad. One of the page of the Great reset got burnt
Canadian begin to withdraw their money from Banks for the world to see.

(01-03-2022, 06:52 AM)singlon Wrote:  Experts salah
Russians in Ukraine asked for help.
They r being murdered.
U must be abled to link what happening in Canada

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-28-13-15-55.png]

and link all the way to the Vatican and UN.
Trudeau is son of Fidel Castro.
Klaus schwab who wrote the Great reset is also the Godfather of Singapore
opening a can of worms for the island state more inline with AU/NZ class.

You are right. They are link to Sungei Tengah Lodge dormitory too. Beware !


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