Forum: 71-year-old should not be described as being of 'advanced age'

While I do not wish to trivialise the Ministry of Health's reporting of Covid-19 deaths, I cannot allow its description on Saturday of a 71-year-old as being of "advanced age" to pass without comment.

I am almost 73, and do not consider myself to be of advanced age as assessed by either my own perception or by the Government's own age classification or mortality statistics.

The Singapore Department of Statistics (SingStat) defines persons aged 65 to 74 as "young-old", persons aged 75 to 84 as "medium-old" and those aged 85 and over as "oldest-old".

By those definitions, I think it is reasonable to consider those aged 85 and over as being of "advanced age".

Also, according to SingStat, the average life expectancy of a 65-year-old last year was 21.5 years. To refer to a "young-old" senior with a statistical life expectancy of approximately one-and-a-half decades as being of advanced age appears to display a more than unfortunate attitude of ageism.

Brian Dalby

our 70yr 'advanced age' PM still suueing pple left and right
make pple pay 200,000 $ in damages
now hurriedly enact FICA to stop 'foreign' pple from help victms pay his 200,000 fine

as usual, pap twisting the facts to suit their own agenda, not for the people.

in their own words, "not unexpected."

(28-09-2021, 10:56 AM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  our 70yr 'advanced age' PM still suueing pple left and right
make pple pay 200,000 $ in damages
now hurriedly enact FICA to stop 'foreign' pple from help victms pay his 200,000 fine
We are already having this terrible crisis and yet, this kind of senseless people stil so free going around suing others. Too free and nothing else better to do. Instead, they shd be working hard how to handle the crisis.

This kind of petty letter also can get published in Straits Times. Calling you advanced age is already a euphemism for boomer or worse.

Booster jab signboard shows 2 old persons with walking sticks. So misleading!

to them walking with stick means old

aiya, all those terms not important lah.
what matter most is whether you can walk, can eat , can do things on your own.

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trump,biden,lky all are serving as president, pm after 73 yo.
are they old? may be , dep on your def and thinking. .
they could ve some "underlining medi conds." but they all ve the energy and stamina for the country/ppl.
so dont write 70+ yo off.

(28-09-2021, 01:09 PM)starbugs Wrote:  This kind of petty letter also can get published in Straits Times. Calling you advanced age is already a euphemism for boomer or worse.

the point is they sweep things under that "adv  age" excuse.

Was at the super market cashier ask me whether i have 老人卡.
I ask her to have respect to the elderly.
Its called 乐龄 卡。
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LAN CHAR .... old froggy means old froggy .... KNN

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(28-09-2021, 02:00 PM)Hfourhappy Wrote:  aiya, all those terms not important lah.
what matter most is whether you can walk, can eat , can do things on your own.
As long as one is healthy, young in mind and heart, and that he is capable of doing many things, he is not considered old even he has reach a certain age.

(28-09-2021, 02:04 PM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  trump,biden,lky all are serving as president, pm after 73 yo.
are they old? may be , dep on your def and thinking. .
they could ve some "underlining medi conds."  but they all ve the energy and stamina for the country/ppl.
so dont write 70+ yo off.

LKY is no longer PM by 67 years old.

76 years old and above can be called advanced age. 

SingStat  65 to 74 as "young-old" is a joke, more appropriate range for "young-old" should be 61 to 69

Why the lau unker so sensitive? Old is old lah Thinking

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(28-09-2021, 08:31 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  As long as one is healthy, young in mind and heart, and that he is capable of doing many things, he is not considered old even he has reach a certain age.

A good definition of a person considered not old...

(28-09-2021, 08:32 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  LKY is no longer PM by 67 years old.

76 years old and above can be called advanced age. 

SingStat  65 to 74 as "young-old" is a joke, more appropriate range for "young-old" should be 61 to 69
i think hoh, 65 to 74 as "young-old" is coz they want you to work longer. so rely less on cpf.

(28-09-2021, 10:02 PM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  i think hoh, 65 to 74 as "young-old" is coz they want you to work longer. so rely less on cpf.

How can a person work till age 74...?

(28-09-2021, 10:05 PM)debono Wrote:  How can a person work till age 74...?

Boss debono, he can if he keeps hitting the nail on the head Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Once you hit 50 ... you can drop dead of age related illness.
These people wanna term what advanced age, young-old are old fuggers unable to accept they are OLD thus feeling insecure then come out with all these nonesene.
Nothing wrong to be old unless you yourself felt it is wrong ... embrace aging lah 
Dun end up with thoseinsecure lau hero tie ponytail when only have a few strains of hairs

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Tangsen's post

(28-09-2021, 10:54 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Once you hit 50 ... you can drop dead of age related illness.
These people wanna term what advanced age, young-old are old fuggers unable to accept they are OLD thus feeling insecure then come out with all these nonesene.
Nothing wrong to be old unless you yourself felt it is wrong ... embrace aging lah 
Dun end up with thoseinsecure lau hero tie ponytail when only have a few strains of hairs
Sometimes, I really want to laugh when seeing those elderlies tied ponytail and even wearing ear rings.  Somemore, with coloured bronze hair. Is it they are formerly from musical bands, hair stylists or media artistes?

(28-09-2021, 11:15 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Sometimes, I really want to laugh when seeing those elderlies tied ponytail and even wearing ear rings.  Somemore, with coloured bronze hair. Is it they are formerly from musical bands, hair stylists or media artistes?

You look at these old froggies .... you think they need or bother to be labeled as advanced age, young-old or whatever .... they are just embracing aging and enjoying it .... full of confidence 

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(28-09-2021, 11:15 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Sometimes, I really want to laugh when seeing those elderlies tied ponytail and even wearing ear rings.  Somemore, with coloured bronze hair. Is it they are formerly from musical bands, hair stylists or media artistes?

Can ask Nicholas Tse father.

The ABC of old age.

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