Four ministers to speak on Ridout Road bungalow rentals in Parliament on Monday

Four ministers, including Mr K. Shanmugam and Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, will deliver ministerial statements  . . .

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean will speak on the review of rentals for 26 and 31 Ridout Road, while Second Minister for Law Edwin Tong will speak on the rental of state properties.


but nothing will be said about the few critical areas of lapses

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

When will local peasants know the phrase called The Untouchables?
[+] 1 user Likes sgh's post

It will be very boring because there's nothing to be discussed
All forumers here who spoke, thunder very loud but no rain

Why no enquiry with an independent board with a few opposition in there? The outcome will be totally different.

These 2 heavyweights brought shame to their party. Their too brilliant minds took advantage of a vacant rental area to benefit themselves even there is nothing wrong in renting itself. It departs from the rest of the party members and the population whole who see pap ministers as white as possible.

This is a private matters debate @ taxpayers expense just to clear 2 Sr ministers

Should call for COI.

Why Parliament got nothing better to do,?
[+] 1 user Likes Scythian's post

think process is in order.
only thing is

do not think it is something needed while they are in high position. if they in private practise maybe can even buy one.

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