Fourth dose of vaccine 'partially effective' against Omicron, reveals Israeli study

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Just one week after a booster spike with Moderna, protection against symptomatic disease with Omicron increases to approximately 70 percent and stays at that level for at least three months.

On the other hand, anyone who receives Biontech as a booster after a Biontech vaccination also has protection of around 70 percent within a week, but after about three months this falls to just over 40 percent.

The study also shows that the double vaccination with Biontech offers little protection against symptomatic diseases with Omicron after about six months.

If you now boost with Moderna, you can increase the protection to a good 60 percent within a week, but after three months it falls back to around 40 percent. With a booster vaccination with Biontech, protection is only 35 percent after ten weeks.

University Medical Center Göttingen and the Leibniz Institute for Primate Research Göttingen: The Göttingen researchers found that the omicron variant is largely resistant to current antibodies.

"Our results indicate that the antibody therapies for Covid-19 must be adapted to the omicron variant," said study leader Stefan Pohlmann.

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