Freight rates to drive profits for container lines - and global inflation in 2022

Freight rates to drive profits for container lines - and global inflation in 2022

[LOS ANGELES] Ocean shipping rates are expected to stay elevated well into 2022, setting up another year of booming profits for global cargo carriers - and leaving smaller companies and their customers from Spain to Sri Lanka paying more for just about everything.

The spot rate for a 40-foot container to the US from Asia topped US$20,000 last year, including surcharges and premiums, up from less than US$2,000 a few years ago and was recently hovering near US$14,000.

Look at FSL trust....and the type of crazy high dividends they paid last 2 years.

I posted if more than 2yrs ago on the shipping upturn...the stock was US4.5cts and it paid US8cts in dividends 100+% of its stock price 2 years ago.

Today the stock Is US8cts...and investors are not interested.

[Image: eIPDvGz.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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