GER: Intel is building a large chip factory in Magdeburg

Magdeburg has been awarded the contract: The US group Intel is investing 17 billion euros in the construction of two semiconductor plants. Construction is scheduled to start in 2023. Politicians cheer.

Better call Putin first.
It needs palladium coming from Russia

Population of Magdeburg is small.
If the plant is built, people from other cities will go there.
Good news for Magdeburg. 👍

They have to hope that Russia is friendly to them to provide the resources.

0nly China and Russia can retool once QRS rebooting complete and USInc dead not zombified
Palladium  world supplier Russia something like 90%
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Intel going to spend >US$100B to build this 2nm factory in germany, later moronic comie will say build in chinaor any eastern europe country, all these insane dogs, lies & lies, norm.
NO material or equipment required from china & russia, too bad. All the material can be handled by Japan,the best material science country in the world today.
Intel lag behind TSMC now in manufacturing process, but not too far, with Intel technology, probably will overtake TSMC in few yrs time.
where is china & Russia, at least 5 generation behind & will never progress anymore as no way they can steal technology now.
IC is the mother of future & everything including military, weapons, fintech,medical & all technology.

Intel will produces 2nm chips in Germany. Invests 80bn euros in European, fully competes with TSMC.


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