Jialat: No limit friend Xi not offering any help to friend putin?



Shortly before invading Ukraine in February, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping declared a “no limits” friendship. Yet even as his forces suffer humiliating losses on the battlefield, Russia’s president shouldn’t expect much help at his first meeting with his Chinese counterpart since then.

Xi and Putin meet face-to-face in Uzbekistan on Thursday in their first sitdown since a Beijing meeting before the Winter Olympics that yielded a lengthy joint statement of more than 5,000 words. In it, they vowed to have “no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation” in challenging the US-led global order and pushing for a multipolar world.

Yet China appeared caught off guard when Putin invaded Ukraine a few weeks later. Officials in Beijing initially struggled to both support Russia and avoid endorsing a clear violation of sovereignty -- a pretext that could be used to justify foreign intervention in Taiwan, which China claims as its territory.

But while trade has picked up even as the US and its allies have imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia, Beijing has stopped short of sending military supplies or financial support that might make it a target of such restrictions. And, despite recent fears among some financial investors, Beijing’s position is unlikely to change even if Putin on Thursday asks Xi for military assistance in Ukraine following heavy Russian losses in recent weeks.

“Chinese officials talk about a partnership ‘without limits,’ but Russia and China have always agreed to disagree on numerous issues,” said Elizabeth Wishnick, a senior research scientist at the CNA, a security think tank in Washington.

“I don’t think Chinese military aid to Russia is likely due to the sanctions and strong international opprobrium that would ensue,” she added.

https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/aBgO4yu5E-cAAAAM...tooges.gif

Shameless slave kokee stooge’s hor go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

(15-09-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  not only US is going to give up 台海模糊政策, the whole west is going to give up china totally now!
with putin & xi meeting today, the world already bipolar, democratic vs communism, cold & hot war together!
no worry, china & russia deserve it totally!
russia started war, china started world order, fat & wet hope!!




putin meet xi today? so russia & china tie closely together in front of the world, very nice!
sanction china on the way after take down russia! so better for china to full support, dump all they have to support or china will be next on line to be gone!!
no more 1 country policy!! what BS each state their own? my foot!! LOLLOL!

普丁綁習近平要死一起死?中共犯台將四面受敵!一旦台灣政策法通過 美台關係將從虛化走向實化

China may soon face sanctions from the West


https://media.tenor.com/DN8xo9YyCD4AAAAM...-putin.gif https://media.tenor.com/_SN9msfoRAMAAAAM...ughter.gif

Shameless slave kokee and stooge’s go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL


(15-09-2022, 11:59 AM)way Wrote:  Shortly before 

Xi Jinping must inform you what Chinese government is doing ah?

Who help in liasing the selling of NK rockets launchers to Russia?  Thinking


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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

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