GVGT - British Army Ranks -See How Long it Takes Just to be a Sgt. A Major or Colonel


To become Cpl already so hard. Sgt is such an important rank. Maybe takes 10-12 years. 
Then officers, Cpt takes time. Major longer. A full Colonel. Really well trained and experienced then can reach.
And these people actually have deployments. Sick as hell training. Even at home is dangerous if deployed to N Ireland.
Overseas missions always likely.
And they also have access to modern technology.

Our SAF is soooo wonderful. Talk macam superpower. Everybody is Sgt. Every officer got dunno white horse, unicorn also.
Some more got military experts too.

If play war on computer I think we are a superpower already.
How many can actually fight or willing to fight.
I'm not saying all won't fight, sure will have some. But majority is confronted by an enemy prepared to fight to death, you think they will?
Even those on reservist always talk as if NS so important. You really can and will fight? When your officers twaddle thumbs and only thinking of post army careers?
Not to mention, so small island, cannot even put all the weapons here.
You really tell me you will fight to your dying breath?

Malaysian army may not be that strong weapons wise. But at leats they have actual battle experience in East Malaysia. Soldiers are killed and targetted and they sometimes have to fight insurgents.

We may win them in technology and destroy their ability to use their weapons and infrastructure. But actuall boots on the ground? Can we hold on?

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