George Soros Lost big shorting RMB


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[Image: 51-Svfw-XOHRL-SX325-BO1-204-203-200.jpg]

soros shorted the hang seng futures during the hong kong protest of 2018
and lost 350million

no wonder lau jac and sgbutt  like to short the hang seng
they want to feel like a market wizard

What's happened to this idiot now :

[Image: 103380564-5ED3-SB-HedgefundManager-0211....2&vtcrop=y]

Bass wrote that he expected the massive losses to force Beijing to recapitalize Chinese banks and sharply devalue .

“China will likely have to print in excess of $10 trillion worth of yuan to recapitalize its banking system,” he said. “By the time the loss cycle has peaked, we believe the renminbi will have depreciated in excess of 30 percent versus the U.S. dollar.”




(07-12-2022, 05:59 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  soros shorted the hang seng futures during the hong kong protest of 2018
and lost 350million

He lost HKD 122 billion (US15 billion) too in 1997, when he attacked the HKD after the handover.
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beat this buaya shorties pain pain.
time for him to pay back.

Ha ha ha..Youtube again.. find no other news about Soros losing money in RMB.  Thought Soros is a friend of CCP when he attacked Modi and Adani.  He never say he attacked RMB;  only said he bet against Asian Currencies because of the falls in China.  For that China warned him not to mess around with RMB. He could have shorted RMB causing RMB to fall, but how pple know he never recovered his shorts? Ha ha ha

[Image: Screenshot-2023-02-18-121009.jpg]


(18-02-2023, 12:11 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Ha ha ha..Youtube again..  find no other news about Soros losing money in RMB.  Thought Soros is a friend of CCP when he attacked Modi and Adani.  He never say he attacked RMB;  only said he bet against Asian Currencies because of the falls in China.  For that China warned him not to mess around with RMB.  He could have shorted RMB causing RMB to fall,  but how pple know he never recovered his shorts?  Ha ha ha

Outdated report lah!  Rotfl

BloombergLast Updated: Apr 22, 2016, 06:11 AM IST

Pls stop indulging in irrelevant "history"!  Rotfl

Soros calls China's Xi Jinping 'the greatest threat that open societies face today’

Billionaire George Soros on Monday warned that Chinese President Xi Jinping is "the greatest threat that open societies face today," and said the rise of big tech companies have "sharpened the conflict" between China and the United States.

索罗斯:习近平势必失败 中国强权梦难实现  Rotfl

索罗斯(George Soros)指出,习近平去年11月在20国集团(G20)峰会期间与美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)会谈,并正面回应美方对降低双边关系紧张的提议,这主要是因为习近平在国内的地位遭削弱、不得不暂时采取展现合作意愿的战术。不过,近日在美国领土上空被发现的中国侦监气球让双边关系急遽恶化,且情况恐将每况愈下。

(18-02-2023, 12:11 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Ha ha ha..Youtube again..  find no other news about Soros losing money in RMB.  Thought Soros is a friend of CCP when he attacked Modi and Adani.  He never say he attacked RMB;  only said he bet against Asian Currencies because of the falls in China.  For that China warned him not to mess around with RMB.  He could have shorted RMB causing RMB to fall,  but how pple know he never recovered his shorts?  Ha ha ha

[Image: Screenshot-2023-02-18-121009.jpg]

ER....and all your fake news from Twitter and flg? Rotfl
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(18-02-2023, 12:24 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  ER....and all your fake news from Twitter and flg? Rotfl

teaserteam is working very hard as    美帝的洗地工人!  Rotfl

No wonder wumao and CCP hated Soros so much.. Laughing Laughing



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