George W. Bush accidentally condemned himself in his speech

Belen Fernandez
22 May 2022

Everyone has by now heard about the latest gaffe by former United States president and unconvicted war criminal George W Bush, father of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and other fantastically bloody escapades.

In a recent speech at his very own George W Bush Presidential Centre in Dallas, Texas, Bush condemned the “absence of checks and balances” in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, which had enabled “one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq”.

Quickly realising his not-really-mistake, Bush corrected himself: “I mean, of Ukraine” – but added slightly under his breath: “Iraq, too, anyway”.
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The spectacle elicited gleeful laughter from the audience


his so-called “Bushisms”, which have over the years included the following peculiar utterances: “I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family”; “I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully”; “They misunderestimated me”; and “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?”

But the effective annihilation of a nation is hardly a laughing matter. Ditto for the reduction to a split-second “Iraq, too, anyway” of hundreds of thousands of deaths, countless massacres of Iraqi civilians, the forcible displacement of millions of people, and the saturation of the country with toxic and radioactive munitions that continue to cause congenital birth defects, cancer, and all manner of other maladies nearly two decades after the launch of the “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion”.

Arrest him, the war criminal

Leader rose from the rubble .only 3yrs made good alot.

Looks like GWB wants to whitewash his sins, he didn’t mention that he invaded Iraq intentionally for the oil reserve, it was not a careless mistake for not checking properly. After the UN inspectors in Iraq said they were unable to find WMD, even before they left the country, George W Bush already started invasion, whoever criticised his move got removed, you either with us or against us. One of the university professors in the U.S. lost his job after he voiced out his doubt on the invasion.

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