Why did Switzerland refuse to supply ammunition to Ukraine?

Switzerland has rejected two requests from Germany to re-export Swiss-made ammunition to Ukraine. The move has sparked a debate over Switzerland's policy of neutrality.

"Both of Germany's inquiries as to whether it is possible to transfer ammunition from Switzerland to Ukraine have been answered in the negative , citing Swiss neutrality and mandatory refusal criteria under Swiss arms law ," a SECO spokesman told DW by e-mail. Michael Wüthrich.

Exporting to Saudi Arabia is another matter

Switzerland's principle of continued neutrality does not always seem to be unconditionally adhered to, at least as evidenced by some relatively recent arms exports agreed by the Berne government, including Saudi Arabia, which is involved in the Yemeni war against Hussite insurgents. This prompted the Swiss government to suspend exports in 2015. However, in the following years, until 2019, the government took a more lenient approach to issuing weapons permits to Riyadh.


what rubbish communist sources of BS, 43 countries already form to supply & support Ukraine.
Sweden gave the best weapons & faster in the world to Ukraine, plus all the best from UK, US, australia & ton more.
who still F care of russia today, all these comie dogs bark lies & nonsense here 7/24, if 43 countries action together to attack russia, what will happen? today russia already not much attacking power, lack of weapons & army, can only bark lies like comie dogs here.

瑞典向乌军提供 全世界射速最快的“弓箭手”榴弹炮!

4.27 【40國圍攻!】40國將領“歷史性“聯合會議商討對抗俄羅斯! 俄爹憤怒了!


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