Germany: Business associations warn of bankruptcies, job cuts and more.

Business associations are sounding the alarm in view of the exploding energy costs: They warn of bankruptcies, job cuts and more. Minister Habeck promises more help for companies.

Meanwhile, the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry complained that prices had reached a level that threatened the existence of many companies. "More and more companies are reporting to us that they no longer have a supply contract for electricity or gas at all. The tap is turned off in the truest sense of the word," said DIHK President Peter Adrian to the RND. 

"But without energy, no economy can run."

Worse than during Corona

A new analysis by the industry association BDI states that this is a major challenge for 58 percent of companies, and for 34 percent it is a matter of survival. Only 23 percent had said the latter in February. 

Almost every tenth company has already reduced or even interrupted production. Almost every fourth company is thinking about or is already in the process of relocating company shares or parts of production and jobs abroad. "The federal government must implement a relief program for the economy as soon as possible," demanded BDI President Siegfried Russwurm.

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