Gold 1,977.50 0.21%Silv 23.23 0.78%Plat 910.00 0.55%

Gold 1,977.50 0.21%Silv 23.23 0.78%Plat 910.00 0.55%

And ??

Need to go to $2,000-$2,050.

when looking at USD price of gold
all others will rise first before the Dola in the Dola rises and rises
Russian gege changes her clothes from Black to Red
China will meet the American
Planet earth lives another day.

Isreal economy Bad will meet lenders
gr operations stall due to difficulties in their own words.
Ukrainian POWs begin telling the truths abt Russia impenetrable defence and many of them surrender
All POWs wear nice clothes treated well.
we can never tell whether they r under duress

It need strength of the bear , eyes of the hawk

It takes 30 years with exchange to USD to get 100%.

an escaped route open
use own currency
In the next Isrealis will decide a 2 states solution or move south to Ukrain
Perhaps stories in the Bible give hint.
Abraham was a wanderer. Only Sara 's son was not
All other sons were sent packing to many lands

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