4 submarines, similar to Invincible-class submarines ordered by Singapore

preparing to defend oneself is always necessary. if we show that we are not easy meat. people will not do silly thing. like if russia has from the start know that ukraine not as easy on their plan it. the war may not happen.

not only got to have. got to show and tell.

build more missile and satellite as well. that combination is good to protect against surface ships and armour.

4 subs because you always will have 1 on active duty, one on maintenance/repairs, one on training/shakedown, and the final one as a reserve.

This is money well spent. SG really needs to have such undersea capability for its maritime security and naval defence which go way beyond our own coastal waters or even the Straits of Malacca.

[+] 1 user Likes Basic_Strategy's post

(25-06-2023, 01:05 PM)sgh Wrote:  Actually my thinking is Spore small island coastline only that long. It make more sense to have submarine that can operate underwater and deal damage to enemy vessels instead of on water ships that fight enemy vessels.But nowadays anti-submarine ships has new toys to tackle the submarine threat underwater so we need to also improvise the submarine to more modern tech to counter being attacked underwater. Also the number of men to operate submarine I presume would be much lesser than a warship on water? So if lose one submarine die lesser ppl than lose one warship on water?

Surface vessels provides far more mission flexibility than subs like in peace time can deal with disaster support, evacuation and support air assets etc...You can't do that with subs.  

So it makes more economy sense since subs aren't cheap, need very specialised training and serve more of  strategic offensive stealth asset.

RSAF Super Puma landing on an RSN Endurance Class LST 
[Image: 4-rss-resolution.jpg]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(25-06-2023, 09:05 PM)Basic_Strategy Wrote:  4 subs because you always will have 1 on active duty, one on maintenance/repairs, one on training/shakedown, and the final one as a reserve.
This is money well spent. SG really needs to have such undersea capability for its maritime security and naval defence which go way beyond our own coastal waters or even the Straits of Malacca.

SAF may had learn a lot from last  +20 years of sub operation- One of that is SEA region's relatively shallow waters require more customised design in the new sub.
So one of the requirements to allow operation in extremely shallow waters - meaning u can deploy special forces closer to shore.
Hence, instead of conventional + type rudder, the new Type-218SG uses X-tail controls.

[Image: 218sg.jpg]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

Should buy 30 for 20billion and save 4billion
[+] 1 user Likes red3's post

(25-06-2023, 10:03 PM)red3 Wrote:  Should buy 30 for 20billion and save 4billion

黄循财:我国须有强大武装部队 来捍卫利益增加话语权 | 早报

(25-06-2023, 10:44 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  黄循财:我国须有强大武装部队 来捍卫利益增加话语权 | 早报

DPM Wong could just be paraphrasing a similar saying made famous by Mao...枪杆子里面出政权

[Image: v2-3911fc283063271938e9dca6ca905bd1_1440w.webp]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(25-06-2023, 09:47 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  Mean 3 old plus 4 news total 7
Yes. Think so...more or maybe?.

(25-06-2023, 09:23 PM)Manthink Wrote:  SAF may had learn a lot from last  +20 years of sub operation- One of that is SEA region's relatively shallow waters require more customised design in the new sub.
So one of the requirements to allow operation in extremely shallow waters - meaning u can deploy special forces closer to shore.
Hence, instead of conventional + type rudder,  the new Type-218SG uses X-tail controls.

[Image: 218sg.jpg]
Yes...good. new one...good

One for Pinky and ho jinx to escape in case SG got nuked.

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