Goodbye Vladivostok, Hello Hǎishēnwǎi. China wants Outer Manchuria back !

In 1997, the First Opium War officially ended with the British administration and forces leaving Hong Kong. The Second Opium War is still ongoing, since the Russian Federation continues to occupy the Amur region and Outer Manchuria. This land area was extorted from China in 1860 during the Second Opium War, under threat to set Beijing ablaze.

Surely no one these days thinks of returning Vladivostok to China? 

Let’s first understand the limits of Russia’s expansive claims to territory it does not currently occupy. The Kremlin or its servants claim any terrain that has been Russian territory or under Russian administration for the last 800–900 years, or has a Russian-speaking population. These claims include Alaska, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Moldova. Russia also sees any country that was a part of the defunct Soviet Union as part of the Russian Empire, which must at the very least accept Russia’s authority, or risk being brought back to the fold at any time. Putin has for years talked about Russian peace, or Russkiy Mir, as the natural end state. The concept is pure Soviet ideology; mir was the happy state of global harmony achieved once the Soviets had eradicated all obstacles to socialism.

Putin further enunciated this idea at the St Petersburg Economic Forum on June 17, when he asked, “What is the Soviet Union? It’s historical Russia.” He then attempted to reassure anxious neighbors that they were unlikely to be invaded (unless they took the Ukrainian path.)

The trouble with old territorial claims against others is they’re just as likely to have claims against you. So Russia has a potential counterclaim clan composed of Finland after the loss of Karelia, Viborg, and Petsamo, and other countries such as Georgia. As things stand, the irredentists are silenced by the disparity in power between Russia and minor countries.

Not so China. Its claims to Russia’s Far East are fact-based and indisputable. Chinese maps from the 13th century show the area around Vladivostok as Yongmingcheng, and to this day the port itself is still called Hǎishēnwǎi alongside the Russian imperial name of Vladivostok. From a Chinese and Korean perspective, the name Vladivostok must feel as natural as Salisbury, as Zimbabwe’s capital was formerly known, in Mashonaland.

It is notable that public discourse on decolonization regularly avoids any mention of Russia’s continuing colonial occupation. Maybe it is time to change that.
Once understood, Putin’s selective imperialism becomes glaringly obvious. Treaties and agreements are subservient to the Kremlin’s understanding of history, or Russian military power, whichever is the greater.

Chinese (and Korean) claims over the Russian Far East are significant. There was a substantial Chinese population in the Russian Far East until Soviet mass deportation to China; ethnic cleansing of the Far East peaked in the 1930s. Before the Russian revolution, the Chinese made up 41% of the registered labor force in the then Amur and Primorsk oblasts. 

The actual number was likely higher as many Chinese did seasonal cross-border work as day laborers. Ethnic Russians were likely the minority, which is what drove Stalin, as always, to select the inhumane policy of mass expulsion to guarantee Russian supremacy.
[+] 1 user Likes way's post

ALL fxxking idiots trying so hard to sow discord between China and Russia!  Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

Goodbye to formosa, hello taiwan province. China wants you back!
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

3 days way hor amdk arse lickers stooge’s leh LOL LOL LOL

Walao. I thought China really trying to get it back. What a waste of time reading the artitcle. This article is really just the author's bullshit.

(12-05-2023, 10:17 AM)Levin Wrote:  Walao. I thought China really trying to get it back. What a waste of time reading the artitcle. This article is really just the author's bullshit.

They are trying hard to sow discord between China and Russia!  Big Grin

(12-05-2023, 10:06 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  ALL fxxking idiots trying so hard to sow discord between China and Russia!  Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

Russian cocks sucker spotted! Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13

[+] 1 user Likes ROFLMAO's post

(12-05-2023, 10:20 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  They are trying hard to sow discord between China and Russia!  Big Grin

Been reading a lot of nonsense from the west nowadays.

For example, just a few days ago, I read an article from a western mainstream media on China's export growth being ONLY 8.5% and is BELOW EXPECTATIONS. Interesting part is that among all analysts polled, the average expected exports growth is 8%, meaning that the exports growth is actually ABOVE EXPECTATIONS.

Very difficult to read anything from the west on China the last few years. Need to do a lot of checking here and there. Very tiring.
[+] 1 user Likes Levin's post

(12-05-2023, 10:24 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  Russian

You love Assmerican cok so much? 

(12-05-2023, 10:08 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Goodbye to formosa, hello taiwan province. China wants you back!

u wake up from ur wet dream still got 牛屄 can suck Laughing

(12-05-2023, 10:27 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  You love Assmerican cok so much? 

why u like to lick Pudding?…decide if u want to lick Winnie or Pudding lah Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes pervertosan's post

(12-05-2023, 09:59 AM)way Wrote:

In 1997, the First Opium War officially ended with the British administration and forces leaving Hong Kong. The Second Opium War is still ongoing, since the Russian Federation continues to occupy the Amur region and Outer Manchuria. This land area was extorted from China in 1860 during the Second Opium War, under threat to set Beijing ablaze.

Surely no one these days thinks of returning Vladivostok to China? 

Let’s first understand the limits of Russia’s expansive claims to territory it does not currently occupy. The Kremlin or its servants claim any terrain that has been Russian territory or under Russian administration for the last 800–900 years, or has a Russian-speaking population. These claims include Alaska, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Moldova. Russia also sees any country that was a part of the defunct Soviet Union as part of the Russian Empire, which must at the very least accept Russia’s authority, or risk being brought back to the fold at any time. Putin has for years talked about Russian peace, or Russkiy Mir, as the natural end state. The concept is pure Soviet ideology; mir was the happy state of global harmony achieved once the Soviets had eradicated all obstacles to socialism.

Putin further enunciated this idea at the St Petersburg Economic Forum on June 17, when he asked, “What is the Soviet Union? It’s historical Russia.” He then attempted to reassure anxious neighbors that they were unlikely to be invaded (unless they took the Ukrainian path.)

The trouble with old territorial claims against others is they’re just as likely to have claims against you. So Russia has a potential counterclaim clan composed of Finland after the loss of Karelia, Viborg, and Petsamo, and other countries such as Georgia. As things stand, the irredentists are silenced by the disparity in power between Russia and minor countries.

Not so China. Its claims to Russia’s Far East are fact-based and indisputable. Chinese maps from the 13th century show the area around Vladivostok as Yongmingcheng, and to this day the port itself is still called Hǎishēnwǎi alongside the Russian imperial name of Vladivostok. From a Chinese and Korean perspective, the name Vladivostok must feel as natural as Salisbury, as Zimbabwe’s capital was formerly known, in Mashonaland.

It is notable that public discourse on decolonization regularly avoids any mention of Russia’s continuing colonial occupation. Maybe it is time to change that.
Once understood, Putin’s selective imperialism becomes glaringly obvious. Treaties and agreements are subservient to the Kremlin’s understanding of history, or Russian military power, whichever is the greater.

Chinese (and Korean) claims over the Russian Far East are significant. There was a substantial Chinese population in the Russian Far East until Soviet mass deportation to China; ethnic cleansing of the Far East peaked in the 1930s. Before the Russian revolution, the Chinese made up 41% of the registered labor force in the then Amur and Primorsk oblasts. 

The actual number was likely higher as many Chinese did seasonal cross-border work as day laborers. Ethnic Russians were likely the minority, which is what drove Stalin, as always, to select the inhumane policy of mass expulsion to guarantee Russian supremacy.

Laughing [Image: Capture2.jpg]
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(12-05-2023, 10:38 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  why u like to lick Pudding?…decide if u want to lick Winnie or Pudding lah Laughing

I want to poke your ass!

Pls wash it clean and wait for me!  Laughing

(12-05-2023, 10:43 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  I want to poke your ass!

Pls wash it clean and wait for me!  Laughing

please submit these types of requests to Gaypanda and or FA Rotfl
[+] 1 user Likes pervertosan's post

(12-05-2023, 10:44 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  please submit these types of requests to Gaypanda and or FA Rotfl

You mean your ass kena poked so often by AMDK until 爆裂 liao?  Rotfl

(12-05-2023, 10:37 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  u wake up from ur wet dream still got 牛屄 can suck Laughing

Lao gay, how's yr smelly prawn mee today? Got add 牛排 or 鸡扒? Laughing

(12-05-2023, 10:43 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  I want to poke ass!

Pls wash it clean and wait for me!  Laughing

KNN... You cheebye gay...not only love to suck Russian cocks but also into their ass Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13

[+] 1 user Likes ROFLMAO's post

(12-05-2023, 10:37 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  u wake up from ur wet dream still got 牛屄 can suck Laughing

I now have about 20 bangla workers. U wan a bukkake session ?


(12-05-2023, 11:26 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  KNN... You cheebye gay...not only love to suck Russian cocks but also into their ass Rotfl

Pls wash your ass clean and get ready!

Don't forget to use plenty of detergent!  Laughing

(12-05-2023, 11:27 AM)Niubee Wrote:  I now have about 20 bangla workers. U wan a bukkake session ?

wow..u need to service 20 of them everynight?…辛苦了😓

V funny right.. Why would China want Outer Manchuria back when there is a smaller and easier target..

Hut TW gao gao and let TWMM come Singapore to boost our population..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(12-05-2023, 10:17 AM)Levin Wrote:  Walao. I thought China really trying to get it back. What a waste of time reading the artitcle. This article is really just the author's bullshit.

Either the editor do not understand Chinese or smoke those who did not read China web sites.

black and white replied by China foreign ministry web site
Translate to England is 
China and Russia have completely resolved the border issue left over by history, and there are no territorial claims between them. Both sides are determined to forge their common border into a bond of permanent peace and lasting friendship, and to regard this as the cornerstone of their relations.

So as long China is run by PRC govt, they will stick to the agreement signed.
The remain two which have dispute land border are India and Bhutan
The later could soon settle it as well. 

Maybe the "China" the article is refer to Republic of China   Rotfl
or Ching empire  Rotfl

(12-05-2023, 10:06 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  ALL fxxking idiots trying so hard to sow discord between China and Russia!  Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

Another FAILED attempt!  Rotfl Rotfl

crying ccp trash so confused about russia…start talking to themselves
[+] 1 user Likes pervertosan's post

All the best amdk arse lickers stooge’s here liao buay song hor jjww LOL LOL

(12-05-2023, 12:12 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  wow..u need to service 20 of them everynight?…辛苦了😓

They want try fucking JHK and wash yr face with sperm. Laughing


(12-05-2023, 10:11 PM)Niubee Wrote:  They want try fucking JHK and wash yr face with sperm. Laughing

congratulations…now u can fulfill ur fantasy…..remember to swallow and dun waste Rotfl


[Image: 32188054-8848987-Together-on-the-yacht-T...292000.jpg]

All amdk arse lickers stooge’s song song kau hor lan liao lah cheo kau peng

Third world china is really sick and evil. They trick their ang moh master Russia into invading Ukraine by claiming "unlimited support".

But end up their ang moh father russia stuck in a never ending war while third world china set it's sights on vladivostok and outer manchuria.

No wonder russia have so many nukes pointed at third world china. Never trust a snake.

(12-05-2023, 12:12 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  wow.. need to service 20 of them everynight…好性苦😓

Ah ji kor kor, no wonder aso ass pain Laughing

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