Govt acquiring Marsiling HDB blocks: Some residents concerned about size of new flats

Govt acquiring Marsiling HDB blocks: Some residents concerned about size of new flats, effects of inflation on grant

"I don't want to go back to another housing loan, then back to a smaller room and pay for more renovation works," said a resident who just moved into his four-room Marsiling flat two weeks ago.



To help you move without sweat
new flats will be smaller

I was wondering why HDB must built smaller flats under its new BTO flats. Why can't they build same size as many are willing to pay more using their cpf money which cannot be taken out at all. Surely that target population of 10m is moon's away never to see in our lifetime (ie 99 years). Why is the govt sucking the poor people living in HDB flats with shoe box sizes. It is not a private property, it is a 99 sub-tenant basis. Why copy private property to squeeze every drop of blood of our poor citizens?
[+] 1 user Likes A2Z's post

Dont comprain hor. You buy private condo, the size is about half that of HDB hor. Can you imagine living in a condo room which just fits in one single bed and no space for putting a study table. And one quater of the area is occupied by big balcony and big air cond ledge.

What a joke.
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So to make HDB shoe box sizes will ensure hdb owners to buy private shoebox size flats to support the private property sector? Really a bad hidden agenda conspiration by that Mar-Bok Tan (marbok malay for drunk). Do you notice that everywhere he is headed to surely make things sky high eg coe went tru the roof, hdb prices. His idea is to squeeze as much as possible from the poor people.
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