TOTO or online customer responsibility to ownself check ticket ?

Is there a line somewhere to say it is their job to validate or customer responsibility to ownself check ?
I could not find this statement in the FAQ leh

what if u did strike, but the system did not validate properly and the money did not come in auto.  And u only discover many years later.
would TOTO cum out to say it is customer responsibility to ownself check ??

reason I asked I subscribe to Toto 10 draws mthly, and leave it alone, login once a mthly just to subscribe, never check tickets results, assume TOTO would do their job.

Such lapse will not happen as long as they make sure you don't win anything more than $10 lah. I have yet to open up my account and find I won millions from the endless Toto online purchases I made... Lol

When buy Toto, need to check the ticket, price not claim six months will donate to charity lah..

(17-01-2023, 01:01 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  When buy Toto, need to check the ticket, price not claim six months will donate to charity lah..

this apply if bought from retail physical shop, but buy from online leh ?

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