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Greta Thunberg : How dare you, Germany, Poland, Czechia, etc.! .!

Coal Emerges Victorious As Sanctions And Green Policies Backfire Spectacularly

When historians look back on this chaotic and turbulent period, they will find that few individuals inflicted as much damage on the environment and promoted the interests of the "dirty fossil fuel" lobby as Greta Tunberg, who by shaming and forcing "serious" politicians to pivot toward green energy at a time when there was nowhere near enough green capacity to replace existing sources of energy, sparked what may be the most spectacular self-own in history. And today, the WSJ, Bloomberg and Reuters all wrote about it.

We start with the WSJ which concedes what was obvious to most long ago (see "Will ESG Trigger Energy Hyperinflation" from last June), namely that "an energy-starved world is turning to coal as natural-gas and oil shortages exacerbated by Russia’s war against Ukraine lead countries back to the dirtiest fossil fuel."

Yes, contrary to the intentions of Green fanatics everywhere, their push to accelerate away from "dirty" fossil fuel has not only backfired spectacularly, but also exposed the hypocrisy and empty promises of so many virtue-signalers, as "from the U.S. to Europe to China, many of the world’s largest economies are increasing short-term coal purchases to ensure sufficient supplies of electricity, despite prior pledges by many countries to reduce their coal consumption to combat climate change."

Kim Iversen: MASSIVE Farmer Protest Rises Up Against AGENDA 2030 Climate Regulations

germany made a big mistakes again

by stopping nuclear plants

and fed the russian devil

it is their mistake after mistake


Germany, France and Italy Respond to Gas Crisis: More Coal, More Oil, New Suppliers

Russia’s threats to cut off gas supply to the EU has led countries to seek out unforeseen measures that could jeopardise their climate promises

Germany, France, and Italy, who have committed to end their support for overseas fossil fuel projects, have now stated that investment in this sector is necessary as a temporary response to the current crisis.


UK govt holds emergency meeting as temperatures soar across the UK | World English News | WION

It is getting serious! Energy crisis Germany. Standstill of gas supply. All information in the video


瑞典激進环保主义“活动家”格蕾塔∙桑伯格(Greta Thunberg)公开反对她的祖国加入北約。她在推特上发布了一張照片,标语牌上写著“沒有北約!”。。

[Image: p9bXaf3gd4chlJYP88rbL9CN0qVhIYAT4gjwCjKR...ffff-nd-v1]


The crusade against Russia did not captivate Greta – and thanks for that. Her second exceptional statement on the topic of politics turned out to be even opposite in meaning – in fact, the activist supported the protest against the entry of her homeland into the North Atlantic Alliance. Namely, she published in her channel of communication with the outside world – “Twitter” a photo from the Stockholm exhibition under the patronage of FFF, where eco-activists, among other things, rallied under the slogan “No to NATO”.


(20-07-2022, 10:36 PM)cityhantam Wrote:


The crusade against Russia did not captivate Greta – and thanks for that. Her second exceptional statement on the topic of politics turned out to be even opposite in meaning – in fact, the activist supported the protest against the entry of her homeland into the North Atlantic Alliance. Namely, she published in her channel of communication with the outside world – “Twitter” a photo from the Stockholm exhibition under the patronage of FFF, where eco-activists, among other things, rallied under the slogan “No to NATO”.

How dare you?

The whole EU &n  Europe support taiwan all the way, whether to enter all UN organization or global meeting!
also set up free trade with taiwan.
EU & taiwan very closed relationship, visit is so frequent, unlike with china!
russia oil & gas can F off from Europe, EU & Azerbaijan sign gas import agreement, ton of gas all around the world, russia gas can F off!
EU is rich, no problem to get what they want.

歐洲議會副議長︰盼台灣加入各國際組織 促台歐盟簽經貿協定

歐盟與亞塞拜然簽協議增天然氣進口 盼擺脫對俄依賴


(21-07-2022, 12:15 PM)kokee Wrote:  The whole EU &n  Europe support taiwan all the way, whether to enter all UN organization or global meeting!
also set up free trade with taiwan.
EU & taiwan very closed relationship, visit is so frequent, unlike with china!
russia oil & gas can F off from Europe, EU & Azerbaijan sign gas import agreement, ton of gas all around the world, russia gas can F off!
EU is rich, no problem to get what they want.

歐洲議會副議長︰盼台灣加入各國際組織 促台歐盟簽經貿協定

歐盟與亞塞拜然簽協議增天然氣進口 盼擺脫對俄依賴

Bankrupt loser kokee howling 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 
Karma kokee


(29-07-2022, 05:06 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia army keep retreating to russia border now.
russia now can only anyhow bomb & fire missile, this will never occupy any ukraine land, only drag time & save face, totally useless.
after almost 160 days, russia army still play around russia border!

GREAT VICTORY! Ukrainian Army Repelled Russian Soldiers In LUHANSK!

Ukrainian Army Repelled Russian Soldiers in Kherson!

more sanction, more bond  defaulted for russia!
russia on the way to bankrupt like Iran & NK!



(29-07-2022, 10:48 AM)kokee Wrote:  more sanction, more bond  defaulted for russia!
russia on the way to bankrupt like Iran & NK!


Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate


2022年德国之阴:治理空气污染反而会导致气候变暖!!(因为德国现在要烧煤了) Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

[Image: D5sWjer1xO6jB50JwsH1KiadJEd0kmJ8kn_peOnI...ea4b-nd-v1]

Die deutschen Grünen sind die einzige Grüne Partei weltweit, die nach der Machtübernahme die Kohlekraft befürwortet! Wie kann sich dieser Abschaum "Grüne Partei" nennen? Raus aus dem Amt!

全球就只德国这一个绿党,在执政后鼓吹煤火发电! 这脏东西拿什么自称“绿党”呀?滚下台去吧!

The German Greens are the only Green Party in the world to support coal power after coming to power! How can this scum call themselves the "Green Party"? Get out of office!




Starting this week, German hard coal-fired power stations are restarting operations, which were being phased out because of the hugely detrimental climate impact on a world already ravaged by global warming. Germany’s goal had been to phase out all coal-generated electricity by 2038.

But now, the government is swallowing the bitter pill of allowing coal-fired power back onto the grid. It is hoped that this will replace the gas-fired electricity that currently makes up some 10% of Germany’s overall energy mix.


‘Dirty ol’ coal’ is making a comeback and consumption is expected to return to 2013′s record levels

Coal prices are soaring and global coal consumption is expected to return to record levels reached almost 10 years ago as the global energy supply crunch continues.
While investors in coal stocks are having a field day thanks to high coal prices, curbs on carbon emissions are taking a backseat as markets and governments scramble to stock up on traditional energy supply amid bottlenecks caused by the Ukraine war, analysts say.

Worse, slowing investments in new coal-powered energy facilities have tightened the supply of coal even further, Shaw and Partners senior analyst Peter O’Connor told “Squawk Box Asia” on Friday.

“Who would have thought dirty ol’ coal would have been the best-performing equities in the last financial year. So far this financial year it’s also the best-performing sector,” O’Connor said.

“And looking at the year ahead through the northern winter with gas prices in Europe and gas supply availability, countries are turning back to coal.

“And supply [of coal] is tight. Why? Because nobody’s building capacity and markets will remain tight given the weather and Covid. So that market will stay higher for longer, probably well into 2023 calendar year.”


Germany’s Frantic Push to Reduce Gas Consumption

As Russia weaponizes its gas exports, Germany is left scrambling to meet its needs—and reduction targets.

Germany has even decided to reactivate its closed coal plants rather than shut down the remaining plants by the end of the decade, as previously planned.

Returning to coal is “inevitable” and will remain “instrumental” to securing energy security, said Leslie Palti-Guzman, co-founder and CEO of market artificial intelligence company Gas Vista.


Meanwhile, ordinary citizens are feeling the effects of the high prices and increasingly worry about how they will get by in the coming months. Although some Germans are saving up ahead of the higher gas prices, others are buying wood-burning stoves and stockpiling wood.


Poland: ‘Huge’ amounts of chemical waste dumped into river

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland’s prime minister said Friday that “huge amounts of chemical waste” were probably dumped intentionally into the Oder River, which runs along the border with Germany, causing environmental damage so severe it will take the river years to recover.

Tons of dead fish have been seen floating or washed ashore on the Oder’s banks over the past two weeks but the issue only erupted into a major scandal late this week.


‘Obsessed with doom’: Greta Thunberg has ‘gone bust’

In Poland, Where Coal is King, Homeowners Queue for Days to Buy Fuel

In Poland's late summer heat, dozens of cars and trucks line up at the Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka coal mine, as people fearful of winter shortages wait for days to stock up on heating fuel in queues reminiscent of communist times.

Artur, 57, a pensioner, drove up from Swidnik, some 30 kilometers from the mine in eastern Poland on Tuesday, hoping to buy several tons of coal for himself and his family.

"Toilets were put up today, but there's no running water," he said, after three nights of sleeping in his small red hatchback in a crawling queue of trucks, tractors towing trailers and private cars.

"This is beyond imagination; people are sleeping in their cars. I remember the communist times, but it didn't cross my mind that we could return to something even worse."

Artur's household is one of the 3.8 million in Poland that rely on coal for heating and now face shortages and price hikes, after Poland and the European Union imposed an embargo on Russian coal following Moscow's invasion of Ukraine in February.
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