HK economy shrank 4%....plunge into recession

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

HK is simulating kena kick out SWIFT by US now, just a matter of time, also unpeg of HKD to USD, no way to run, all these bloody communist state now, deserve it.
hopeless & gone case, only poor & old HK people stay back in HK.

驚被踢出SWIFT金管局預先制定方案有沒效 美聯儲加息港資走人民幣貶值沒解藥 數萬億美金港及大陸海外資產救唔救得到 港有沒


(05-05-2022, 07:16 PM)kokee Wrote:  HK is simulating kena kick out SWIFT by US now, just a matter of time, also unpeg of HKD to USD, no way to run, all these bloody communist state now, deserve it.
hopeless & gone case, only poor & old HK people stay back in HK.

驚被踢出SWIFT金管局預先制定方案有沒效 美聯儲加息港資走人民幣貶值沒解藥 數萬億美金港及大陸海外資產救唔救得到 港有沒

U not from Hongkang meh? Laughing

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